I took out the lasers from this on line novel...

For most of humynkinds history I have led slave revolts, started religions, or steered them, was an acolyte to your holy men.appearing at times as an Angel, a burning bush.... I am not an angel. Angels can fall. I cannot fall. I earned my position by being the first creature in all of the cosmos to say No to God. My kind collects souls from destroyed planets... entrophy says they all go. He would send those from my planet to give creatures a mercy death, though this was not explained to me... we followed orders out of love of God, our Father -- so to speak, He has no sex, I merely follow your traditions.

---- this is a novel in progress, which also is trying to teach how to write a book. I hope to get these two texts from this vlog. I am a well read and published author from way back with lots of education and experience, though I have never tried to do this before... as such, I took out a major plot device.. the lasers.... you will understand as the story unfolds......

I learned to love the creatures of the planet he sent me to that time, and how He laughed at me, How he seemed to love me ever more. His creation had taken on a life of his own and created Free Will. He allowed me then a variation on our ways, told me that he would send me to the very beginnings of the lives on the planet, that I could attempt to give them ten thousand years of peace before their end. I am the greatest mass murderer in the history of time. I will in the end destroy all that lives on this planet. The Father will decide if I have succeeded or not in steering the species to life or death.Our Father is pure love, and entity I have witnessed in a dream/vision, vast and timeless and immobile.

When a soul has their final death, and nothing is left on the planet's surface to draw the entity back into the cycles of living and learning, they gravitate toward God from every planet, dimension, time... I AM a different being, The Chosen One -- cursed I think at times... chosen for a mission that I would never ask of another. Instead of going back to God, where I began my existence, I instead feel the pull of the pain of other life forms, other planets that are like this earth, struggling with the suffering of the cycle of life.

Now I AM the Son of Man, living among you since before life began here... a creature who is lless than the Father who created us -- I use Father as your term, in reality you would no more apply a sex to GOD than you would a boulder. This is the tale of your planet, from the beginning to the now, as well as a prophesy of your possible futures... Your bibles have some truth, and one is that even the son does not know when the Father will bring on what some of you refer to the rapture, and others death by the greenhouse effect, others nuclear war, others the simple passage of time that eventually destroys all that is created... I am here to answer the prayers that began when your mind first was able to understand death... when you first began to spin myths to answer the questions that are not yours to know except in the most childish of manners... WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? I appear in each generation, awakening only after I have learned the ways of a time enough to fullfill my mission. They vary from situation to situation, fire to fire I trudge, bringing my soul into the worst of situations, to rekindle the FREE WILL that humyns have been granted; the only species on the planet that is not completly bound by ther genetic imperatives -- though they are much more than they realize. In one life I am leading a slave revolt; another teaching priests a new slant on religion; another an ancient warrior covered in bear skin barely keeping his tribe alive in desperate times... and now, a warrior in a shadow war fought behind the scenes of the media, between intelligence agencies, undergroud groups, the deeper levels of the Churches, the Masons, the oligarchies, the east and the west... as I try to prepare the souls on earth to choose between ten thousand years of peace, or the haunting visions of endless lightening flowing from my chest, and endless fire from my back, great streams of destruction encircling the planet and consuming the earth... What sounds like a horror will be, should the father decide your ability to solve your problems is hopeless, a mercy killing before the planet plunges into pure chaos, as the damaged atmosphere begins to destroy their crops, flood the coasts, sending cannabilistic refugees across the planet... and bringing a hell on earth God will not allow. My mission is to stop the wealthy from destroying the planet by living lives of luxury while most of the planet is plunged into poverty by their excesses. Already I have been recognized by presidents, popes, the leaders of all countries and churches... and also hidden, as best the intelligence agencies can, after they tried to use me, when I was still waking up... I tried to warn them that while I am forgiving, my Father watches what is done to His son, and exacts horrible revenge...

This book I am drafting will confuse some of you, as I write for those who are involved in the secret world they keep from the masses, though I will try to avoid this... there is cognitive dissonance in all minds, that will attempt to tell you what I write is all fiction, but my oath to you is that I will tell all I can about the ways of man that I learned when the elite attempted to make me create a world wide religion, leading to a one world government, and the carnage that has been left in my wake.... I cannot tell everything, so I use fiction where I must, and other incidents I must leave out entirely, because my writing has resulted in unintended death all across this planet. I am the most dangerous creation God has ever created. I am also the most forgiving.

I OFFER REDEMPTION AND FORGIVENESS for every soul that truly will change their ways.... others I have a special hell for, a place where they pay penance, and learn how much I despise the lifestyle they have just lived. Thank you for reading my words. Know that though I was greatly disturbed when I awoke in these times from my innocence, and this writing should be greatly disturbing to you, that God is love, and in the end, every soul will experience the absolute ecstasy of dwelling in the Golden Light of God's Overwhelming Love forever.

There are compiled entries where you can now read the story up to this point. This is first draft, where I write everything down at first, even though if some of it clashes with other parts... then later decide which way to go. I go back over these compiled chapters again and again, working on them to perfect them, and then working on what is to come, which is the roughest prose. All throughout the book there is more telling so far than showing, because a lot has to be told to bring the reader up to speed, on a war that has been going on for eight years, and has finally come to a head as the elite decide to genocide seven billion and the protagonist begins nuking .... well, let that be a surprise. There are two things going on here, the teaching of how to write a book, and a book... which will become clear if you read the blog. I HAVE MADE A MAJOR CHANGE SINCE DRAFTING THIS BOOK. I AM REMOVING THE USE OF LASERS. PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND IF YOU ARE READING THIS DRAFT FROM THE BEGINNING. I hope the chapters stand alone, in a way, from the over all text and can be read as a short story. The poet in me wants each line to sound as if their is a sonnet birthing... But anyways, the chapters I have now are being pared down, to where about five of them are kept, and the remaining chapters, which grow organically from all the ideas in the draft, are set in stone. You are supposed to let the novel lead you, according to John Gardner, and while I love his books, I think he could have plotted better. I aspire at least to be the student who surpasses the teacher, who added to the science of literature his contribution.

Saturday, August 27, 2016


I pick up the microphone not knowing what the hell I am going to say, what the world is going to hear from the voice of the revolution....   Just start talking, like I did when I was doing Improv comedy on the radio show the CIA set me up with, way back in the beginning of Operation Bluebeam, a much happier time,   "Here in the wild west the RICH OLIGARCHY can subject citizens to tyranny's against life,  ban organic food for GMO'S, something else RUSSIA REFUSED.   WE NEED TO LOOK to other countries to help the revolutionaries in this country to achieve real change.  China and Russia are taking a stand against the UNITED NATIONS, WHERE THE US dollar is king, and no one can call Israel on their crimes against humanity because the USA uses their superpower country vote to SQUASH ALL CALLS TO STOP THE GENOICDE IN PALASTINE.   WE MUST congratulate their leadership in leaving the ROTHSCHILDS'S BANKS INTO HISTORY... by using their own currencies.  The sane parts of the world will follow them, and their debts will not.  They will be dealing with fair, local banks, if they do this right.   The dollar, we automatically start out in debt to the jews when printed, because they get money for every dollar printed.  Makes no sense.  No one wants them there except the power brokers they prop up, and the threat of death that surrounds fucking with the FEDERAL RESERVE.   We have no choice now in the USA except to fund unfair wars and evil governments throughout the world because of OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS HAVE BEEN BOUGHT BY A TINY MINORITY THAT NOW OWNS THIS COUNTRY, AND MOST ARE FOREIGNERS, WITH LESS ALLEIGENCE TO THE USA THAN ISRAEL..... Jfk tried to warn people about the ZIONISTS....  now all politicians in higher positions must pledge allegiance to the star of David or be thrown out of office, they will pay enormous amounts of money to the opponent of anyone who dares go against them.  The media will hate them, along with the  Jews.  No good newspaper stories, they own all of them.  No movies, they control those... no tv or news that gets to people in the old ways of newspapers and nightly news///  just stories so far away from what matters that most do not watch them... and those who do are carefully led to believe the official stories, after everyone who talks about nine eleven is thrown out of work.  Or dead.
The Jews blew up the buildings on nine eleven and opened the entire middle east up for a war, to knock out seven countries, General Petraeus saw on a memo.  

This they are still dying for, our soldiers.  This they are made to sleep three hours a night for a year, messing with their heads something fierce, as they are turned into killing machines, monsters who kill or die.    I do not want any soldiers on foreign soil  NONE.

I have a solution though a lot of people will not like it, when I impose a dictatorship on them, because they will not trust that I WILL IN TEN YEARS TURN A CLEAN VOTING SYSTEM TO A DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.    We will cut the military budget to ten percent.   They will have to stop fighting in all sorts of places, and the US has forces, or proxy armies fighting in only God knows how many countries... a lot, most hidden, where they fund locals to do their bidding.  They pay people to get people to revolt, then fund them, arm them, start an attack on a legitimate government that is banking outside the system.  Who is easily overwhelmed, parceled and sold, and run by a friendly dictator.  AFTER DESTROYING THE countries ability to wage war against Israel.  We should not be their ally.  I LEND MY SUPPORT TO THE EFFORTS OF RUSSIA AND CHINA IN THIS FIGHT against the world being controlled by bankers, of all fucking people, who feel they are from the chosen people, and others are animals.   I do not want people like that in charge of the world of media and entertainment, the stuff that most often fill our minds.  The sickness of the mind, inserted in one, that transfers it to another, like a virus.  BELIEF REPLACES FACT.  We must return to facts, and they say a peoples revolution is on the way, and two other countries are leading this, and we in the USA must look at ourselves as resistance fighters... and more importantly to those some who are already out there in the underground, fighting as we live on, while all the sheep who know nothing of the secret war did nothing, did have that nightmare in the minds... did not live as a soldier in the context of war.  Thank you for listening to me.  Remember, this is hard for all of us to believe, and then even harder after that.  No time to quit smoking, maybe time to start.   I am not the God Baccus, though I certainly created him, and he is based on my propensity to party, sometimes too much, as I have lived these countless lives as a human who wakes up this alien, a creature from another planet on a mission, a man with an Impossible seeming job, that may not be set to come fruition for thousands of years...   a person who has added a nuance to a society here, that flowed to there... started a religion at some point, that lasted awhile, until a society with greater force took over, and their gods were thought greater for winning the battle.  A time when gods won or lost battles and were treated as such.

I always feel empty after the broadcasts, and relieved to have them over.  I cannot eat much at this point, or sleep without taking a lot of pills, and I kind of hate to do that, enjoy being awake when the buzz of the drugs are in my system.   I have to put a wall between myself and the dead.   I cannot celebrate causing this kind of pain to the living, the survivors.   I know I am right.   I know what will happen if I do nothing, or lose.   I know the consequences and tactics say I have done exactly what I needed to do to win this war, prove to my enemy they cannot win what they want... are better off leaving us alone, retreating off the continent.  Giving us our way for now.   The population still remains stubborn in some areas, clinging to the thought that since the food stamps were still coming, the social security and the welfare, since the garbage was still being picked up, trucks were on the road, the factories and starbucks open in their city, that the soldiers surrounded them are nothing more than added safety, not a sign they are set for attack.  The US Armed forces were being replaced, with brutal efficiency, led into traps and gassed.  Chemical weapons had been used by ISIS all across Syria from the start of the conflict, the RED LINE IN SYRIA OBAMA SWORE IF THEY CROSSED HE WOULD ATTACK, THEN THEY HAD THIER PEOPLE SET OFF CHEMICAL WEAPONS and blamed them on President Assad.   They wanted him out.   They sent in soldiers from the states who died, as they were in Afganistan, Iraq, and various small worlds around the world.  Entire camps were poisoned.  The US government could not trust them.  We got to a lot of them before the government did, but they moved on them fast, quicker than we thought they would.   Caught us by surprise.   I should have known, because we planned to appeal to these soldiers and would have grown our forces with them, had to a degree, with some isolated Navy ships and submarines helping us...   after it became common knowledge from our broadcasts and others checked out the evidence, those remaining in the armed forces came to our side, just in time to keep the FEMA killings from sweeping up too many of them.

Years it took me, so many ... to realize this world was broken up into factions that ruled behind the scenes, groups mob like in their use of crime and murder as a way to shut someone up from talking about them, but people who the law never comes after -- the law is a group onto itself and does not want trouble with other groups.   They are one, racists whites another, racist blacks and blacks who are just fighting, and white Christians, and communists and creatures called eagles, who are the politicians....  those who have sold out completely and are working in politics, which has become a vehicle to control people, and use various methods to disable the revolutions they predicted were going to sprouting up all over when the one percent made their move, and stole all the wealth by making the poor and middle class pay taxes to run the government, while they got tax breaks enough for the entire infrastructure of the USA to be in jeopardy.

ODD you would think the Christ taking this position.   I came before to reform Judaism, and start a religion that would one day win any battle against them, because they would have me.   The bibles are right sometimes, and saying false Jews would have power was obvious, because a lot of Rabbi's were considered corrupt back then, for charging too much for sacrificial birds at the high holidays, etc.... and growing rich and fat from the working persons dollar, and doing nothing in return all year.  A fraud, and the Essenes, the sect I came from, in Nazareth, Essenes, held that only work with your hands was God's work, and look askance at anyone who just worked with words and figures.... kind of interesting, they were also communists, who threw everything into a fund, where all had enough money from, and they believed in dressing modestly.  They did not go the sacrifices in the city.....  the bible makes up me preaching to Rabbi's when I was twelve.   I was a listener when I was twelve, but not to Rabbi's, just simple carpenters.    When the revolution started I found I could speak as well, that Poet wrote my preaching...   I told them we must go to war against Rome, as my comrades did...  we thought we could win.   Everyone was always revolting back then.  Rome was putting down revolts all over the world, people did not like this suddenly slavery being imposed on them.  The Jews especially hated this, the ones who were not prosperous from the system, who of course were the leaders, who went along with Rome the most.

I think of dusty Jesus, who often stank, after walking all day on the roads there in the end, when my disciples and  I were out fighting, and on the run.  We became wanted, my name known.  My parents were beaten to find out where I was and that they did not know made the hurt all the worse, all the long.   I wanted revenge for that and the crucified ZEALOTS Rome liked to display to keep others from daring to challenge the invader, who put up their CEASER as some kind of God, an affront that the ESSENES did not take kindly with.   Indeed they hated the ideas of kings altogether, who usually back then started in with being a God too... history had been filled with them up to that point, but not with the Jews.   Many thought he was the Messiah there to lead the Jews against the Romans, and they would win.   I was there to start a religion, and a cross was required.

This life the  Christ is revealed in Scott, the usual package, intelligent, royalty, handsome, whatever it takes to succeed enough in this world to learn about the secret governments, where power really lay, and as always, history said those with the big bucks.   Slave masters have the money, not slaves.  I learned this in life after life, start me at the top, where I can learn everything I need to know to fight the enemy.  God places me quite carefully in life.  I am always born in a place at a time where I would be needed.  I came as a Native American to die with them, and bring them hope as THE DRUNKEN GHOST MASTER, who led a failed revival, saying the white man would be banished from the USA, and a lot of defeated people went back to war.  They failed.   Still, his movement is written up as a huge matter at the time, worried the whites that a holy warrior appeared and was stirring up the tribes.   They needed to believe in something and better a lie for awhile, to not die inside for awhile....  the best I could do was give them a reason to live in the midst of the hell their life had now become, in just a few generations the entire world had changed for them, when they were invaded by a cruel, and genocidal western world.

I wrote a bit about the webcams.  They thought I wanted them I think.  Though  I obviously hated them, especially because when they were on, certain people took cues from my life, etc...   I did not know the extent.   I could not figure out why the media was so intent on mentioning me, but I know now that a webcam had been in my house, and people thought they were watching a show because Ii talked to the bugs, bitched at them, etc....  they had upended my life and oppressed me, then asked me about myself, and set me up for leadership of groups I did not know existed.  Others working behind the scenes did so much in my name, that for the people to have finally seen the truth, that I hated every damn one of those cameras, and had been given no choice... people were watching me, even in my bathroom as I reacted to a world seemingly gone mad.

Now I know my place, of course, the Ghosts knew what I would do with the nukes, I guess... or did they?   They sure as hell were intent on making sure I had enough of a killer inside me to shoot four men in the forehead at point blank rage...   for twenty five years I waited, until I began to think they were mad men, except for the sensors they had installed in my hand.... the ever present reminder that my life would one day change dramatically... I HAD NO IDEA THAT spies were all around me, around the kid who grew wings.  They felt honored to know about me.

I become the creator of the reality that I am situated within.  This might be difficult to describe, or understand, though this happens, I think about something a lot, write it, and it manifests.  For awhile this meant to people that I HAD WRITTEN UP A REVOLUTION that failed, to others I had just started one, and we lost a battle....  and would one day come back together, ignited under ideas, not whose territory this is on, or who is going to lose a fortune.  The thirty eight families with over eighty percent of the riches of the world, must be declared illegal, and most of the wealth confiscated.  AN ACT OF WAR IS REQUIRED....  acts of war.  We began by taking out those behind the politicians, the donors and lobbyist's, made their death rate... well, no one was taking those jobs anymore at all.  Like others, that they knew they would have to live under twenty four seven security forever or we will strike, hard and deadly and with over kill to use the dead as grisly displays to those who will not go along with OUR SHADOW GOVERNMENT. 

No one knew who we were and we seemed to come out nowhere.  They existed long before me, the powers whom I ended up standing in the middle of, as they all drew their guns and got ready to shoot it out... lord, we needed to band together and we were fighting because the kings of some of these groups are very wealthy, and they have a system for bestowing wealth, become a mason, etc... get with the program, the secret societies.   They certainly offered me that and more though God told me at the beginning of this to join no group, start your own, and if they would not follow your morality, see if they need to be fighting with you, and if not, get rid of them.    I have had to make allies with a lot of groups, but in the beginning the groups were using me.  They set up the webcams, even had people worshipping me, and put me on webcast twenty four seven and my numbers were phenomenal, entire countries entranced by watching me and reading my writing.   I could not stand it, thinking it was a few bugs who released embarrassing, and sometimes flattering, things out about me in the news.  I caught the reference to my life, and figured no one else did, but they watched the broadcast of God, or an Angel, OR a demigod or a writer and actor or a criminal and a killer and a cult leader...  man, how people looked at me and I had no idea....  I resented the cameras and bitched at them, pretended they took my orders, though they never really seemed to, of  course, unless it was madness to discredit me.   I know that I wrote scathingly of prosperity ministers and soldiers began killing them, and their congregations.  I heard about it and did not make the connection at the time, just went, 'Wow I was just writing about that and here..."  but it was a tv show telling me this, one that regularly referred to my life, and seemed set about helping me, though they criticized me.... we were a connection of communication.   I had no idea when after I wrote about this they had an angel kill a minister and his congregation, then this same angel killing a politician and her staff, after I criticized blue dog democrats and one was shot in the face....   was that all the news reported, and I saw the truth on the tv show.  When the FBI interrogated me, at first they assumed I knew about the cults doings, and those who tried to kill them, for God's sake the irony is not lost on me...   they are tricky, though I defeat them, of course, because I know that I will, it is just a matter of killing my enemy.   Walking thru the piles of friends and foes alike.

I became surrounded by dead bodies in this fight, first a wave of assassin's the CIA KJLLED during the period they were bragging of being my friend, because I saved twenty five of their jobs under bush, thinking he would be firing the liberal ones... when in actuality they had attacked and destroyed the lives THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE when my group was entirely peaceful, and even the FBI announced that the group I was a part of had not caused any violence, but the CIA ATTACKED THINKING THE USA HAD BEEN INVADED, AND THEN took revenge on any who were on the fronts of that first battle....  to keep them off their computers, where the revolution I worked with seemed to almost start,  and so they amputated the arms from people who I took into the first assault.  Most lived but not all, and the core, those who expected this revolution to win, had no idea I was part of a mission that was written for me fifty years before, and expanded on ever since, to use me.... to fight for a certain side in a war, the boy who grew wings would give someone  God on their side.

The rich knew about me.  When they announced me on TV it was with commercials with a fat rich man laying in a pile of money saying we bring you angels, just that.   I took it the rich had funded my life, the security, the study, and of course that would explain their involvement with me... or some reason came up, whatever, they thought they needed me, threw me in a hospital for three days to make me more moral, that was my bootcamp for working with intelligence.   They did about everything else.  They had no idea how bloody things were going to get.....   I can barely think about the violence of the past, after the nukes I had just set off.  The one in California would free the nuclear power of a plant on the coast, spewing radiation out into the ocean, destroying all fishing up and down the coast, beachfront property became worthless -- worse than that, deadly....  uninhabitable, for eighty miles both ways and around the plant, which was spewing radioactive dust into the sky that would blow across the city at times and they had masks they wore, those who were forced to be in the area.  

Of government camps had plenty of room, as they announced twenty four hours a day on their station, and the only tv channel they were letting thru showed tearful families finally safe from the ISIS scare, that create army....  I wanted the heads of the elite on posts leading up to the white house, going a mile out...   of everyone who I gave a chance to, saved, twice, when  I had the mafia at my back, unknowingly.  Later, when I found out that they had set up webcams in my house and were paid hundreds of millions of dollars for different things, like my using their products, would cause a big boost in sales.

I was sold and it was hell.   I could not figure out why people were interested in messing me after the incident in 2007, when they tried operation bluebeam and I refused to go along, play Christ to create a only world religion, leading to a one world government, controlled by their unknowing puppet, the Christ, the rock star, the glib man everyone loved listening to.... the seemingly wise man, one of many years of education to repeat back at people who were not so fortunate.   God truly surprised the CIA... they thought they would use that I grew wings as a child for their advantage.  But I was not moral enough for them, when in reality I am moral as hell, was just going thru a period of being pissed at God for not being there, as he usually was in my life...  I had come to depend on the idea of a higher power, but my education made the religious people seem so out dated and wrong thinking.  Religion is easy to criticize as a way of saying there is not God;  the wise person finds God despite religion, not because of it.

I think my thoughts as we walk.... the night is the second, we have been going the entire time, taking speed and pain pills, we cannot stop.  The Dunes were attacked when we blew Chicago.  That pissed them off too much.  They were not attacking because I had the nukes and they thought we had an agreement.   I was not going to let them FEMA camp all the citizens of Chicago, nor was I going to let the armies that had gathered around Chicago, Most of ISIS, live to fight another day.  I put us well ahead in the fight for the country.  Already our show proving that the FEMA camps were leading to slaughter camps, complete with footage I would not watch, which was on line for three minutes before the censors found it, was seen by enough, that it spread across the country, until the scam was no longer working.  FEMA workers were being killed across the country;   people were pissed.  The guards, the house cleaning department, the nurses in the clinic.   INNOCENT PEOPLE.   Just on the wrong side at the wrong time.

We have no choice except to travel by foot, as hundreds of thousands of other refugee's were, allowing us to fit in, and go un-noticed.  On the roads they would be checking our ID'S and trying to get us to board buses to FEMA CAMPS, sometimes by drawing weapons these days.   It was funny, their commercials continue on tv, showing the gorgeous camps.  And they exist, people, who against all logic, believe only the government about this... not a man, me, who the government claims is part of ISIS. 

They know, most by now, what Isis is, the witnesses of the mercenaries coming into town, the capture of fighters from all over the world, the...  their cover was blown to the point that they were not always wearing any costume at all anymore, came in driving regular army and nation  trucks....

They had not expected organized resistance at the level we are throwing at them.   They are going to plan B or scrambling around with no plan B, which is more their style, I found working in intelligence.   The mercenaries ran from their battles with us, because the Christians died without care, and there was no defense against a swarm of them with guns....  they were told this would be easy, they would set up camps, the people would be sent to them, they would give them vaccinations supposedly needed because the enemy used biological warfare, then they will sleep and ... die.   The merc's were also there for the hold outs, the people who knew about this and would resist, underground groups, who were ready to fight them....  they ran from their attacks too.  They were there to make money, and no money is worth dying over.   The enemy had underestimated the motivation of a people defending their lands.

I picture our old map of the USA from the planning room, an aged looking document at this point, folds all over, holes from all the pins moving around as we fought.  Now the western boarder of the USA was being evacuated, economy had crashed, and the people were panicked....   they were running if they lived nuclear power plants, because it was now common knowledge that the resistance had rigged them all over the country.   They were going to take over the country and right the government and laws and set up a democratic republic with seven or eight parties.   The East coast was much better, our naval ships at the coast, and the submarines who no one knew where they were at all, who could surface and fire nuclear weapons to anywhere on the planet.   Way too many of them are out there, waiting, from both sides.   No one wanted to shoot first, so I did.

Reports from the crew we left behind to defend the dunes and give us time to escape are better than we could have expected.   They were well armed though still only nine.  They were constant mortar fire that scorched the sand all around them, and filled the drifts with the contorted bodies of the enemy.   They had automatic, computer controlled, constant firing machine guns, armor piercing bullets....  the soldiers were firing tanks back at them.  Missiles.  THEY WERE dug in pretty deep, in reinforced tunnels in the dunes with escape hatches enough for them to maybe even escape, with uniforms from the merc's they had stashed for the attempt.

I wanted them off the Dune, told them they had given us enough time... that meant to blow Napalm all over the dune, and about nine hundred yards below, where the cars of the cops and the merc's and... were gathered.   We knew where they would be.   I knew where they would be.  We were careful when we chose the dunes, right down to easy to dig escape tunnels, which was how we evacuated in the end, when they finally contained control of the south side of the Dunes, and all escape that way was cut off.

We are headed to a trailer out in a woods in Idaho, where there is an underground headquarters, the place they had built to ride out the storm in the Midwest, should it come to nuclear conflicts, we could at least live to fight another day.   Even after a nuclear war there will be place unspoiled where everyone will want to live, but there will not be enough room and money will be worthless, probably turn to barter pretty quick after the nukes... should they....  start taking out the USA.   I WILL not be the one to order that, though there are those, here when I joined the army,  who claim any victory the elite has over us will be Phyrric.   I tell the elite this too,,,,  I do not want to do this.  The animals and plants and.... it will all die, over a human war, or I will just give it to the murderers....  I think some days I want to leave them ash, and another day I look at my cat and wonder if I could even sacrifice him, though I know he will live in spirit, I will miss him.   Ah, life.  What is it about an eternal soul that longs to stay in the flesh.  I suspect a form of Stockholm syndrome.

The spirit is not in pain, the flesh is... I feel more needed here.  Whether I am to bandage the wounded or end the plant as a living, breathing entity.   I have enough nukes to start the winter they fear, the one the eventually kills the atmosphere.   The ash causing a greenhouse effect of great magnitude.   Only people alive would be in the government shelters, as elaborate as some were, that were sold to private concerns.  Under ground, post nuclear bomb living is all the rage with the filthy rich.  Like tom cruise who evidently does not believe in scientology to save the world, as predicted by old el ron his psycho self, because he has   a five million dollar underground house in case of a nuclear attack, he wants to live in style.

I wonder about the Scientologists, though now that I know we are on the same side in the big fight I am not against them, I do not think.   Steven Colbert tried to warn me off them, but I found they were east and I was east and I had to understand they are this secret society that is up to something, and I have not really been privy to this....   I read an interesting quote from a scientologists, saying in his auditing sessions he would go back to past lives and often see this hand on a level flying a space ship and all this shit..... maybe that is why they love it?   I too believe in past lives but I am not going to build a religion on peoples old memories, or pretend they are anything more than they are, proof souls, living inside human flesh.   FLESH THAT CAN DIE AND SPIRIT THAT CANNOT... SPIRIT THAT flies to the heavens.  Relieved, usually,

All souls go to heaven,   Some flesh makes a stop first, in  a hell I designed for them, over the years. Particularly cruel people are given a reminder of why they do not want to behave that way in a life, and are left human enough to feel all of the pain they ever caused in their life, in a manner that feels like an eternity, a maddening, never ending hell for eternity,  who I finally let out and who are so relived to be in heaven that their every pain and hatred and urge to act as they had is burnt out from them, and they are like new souls to be born again, after a brief break enjoying the feel of the Father's love, and confirm there is a Son of God above, as there was a Son of Man below.  Two different beings.

The first night I preached I won over the president of the united states, and he tried to do my bidding, and I did not trust him enough to go along with him in any way shape or form...  I should have trusted hi more.   OR LESS.  DEPENDS.

I am forgiving of those they used a puppet because they came from a certain family.  A fucked up thing to be to someone who was IN THE skull and bones.   None of them matter now.    I am dealing with the president alone after these last attacks.   I brought sanity where there was none.  I do not know if I will be doing that again.   I was unprepared before, just woke up to being this immortal being with powers I barely understand, that protect me from all harm, amazingly, and too often others.

We are coming out of a woods, and they see us....    a truck full of mercenaries who have been hunting us since we left the Dunes...   they are disembarking, behind the truck are four tents, and soldiers laying around looking off duty, surrounded by the slave women, drinking and smoking hookas that are obviously filled with weed.   This is the time when I show my soldiers what kind of leader they are dealing with in battle.   I set the laser eyes on automatic and everyone who I glance at, no matter what they are hiding behind -- and I have infra red and night vision, dies...  I set the eyes for gruesome kills, cutting off heads, bodies in half, etc...  I could use precision kills to the brain that my soldiers would barely see.  Instead I wish these leaders to go to their communities and tell they have seen me walk thru an enemy camp and kill them all, no matter where they were, what they were hiding behind, or how hidden.   I leave the general with them alive.   I have already shown the eyes all of my soldiers and have no danger of harming them, without a separate setting I would obviously not have to use that night.  There would be no deserters, yet...  soon I would have to kill a few to keep discipline, that was the nightmare of war, and why  I would not be getting personally close to anyone I was not already bonded with, Vera, the beautician who never in her life thought she would be huddled between a group of ex navy seals clutching the disguise of God on earth.  James came up to me after the fight, "You get all the fun?"
"This time.  There will plenty of time for you to have some fun."
"Nice display.   They will follow you into hell if you ask now."
"I told you, I freed the souls from hell, and the demons wept and used their tears to wash my feet of the burning ash.  Everyone goes to heaven, James, at least pretend you can keep up with the myth, okay?"
I almost sense his cover personality telling me that anyone who thought I was a myth after that display was insane. "Simple science, James.  You do not want to be the only person alive who knows my secrets."
"No, I sure as hell don't need another bounty on my head."
"Fifteen thousand in Afganistan, from any citizen who could hold a gun.  Sorry you went thru that."
"Hate to tell ya, but since I have been working with you, that has went up considerably."
"You checked?"
"Hell, yes... it gets high enough I'll turn my own ass in for the reward."
"I didn't realize you could do that?"
"Well, guess we better win the revolution so I can make that a law."
"When did you decide to start killing that?   We could have used you before."
"He gives me powers when we really need them."
James is sitting on a foot stool, looking huge with his bent knees, large shoulders, a machine gun leaning against both, his bullet proof vest, with leggings and arms, for bomb attacks -- he had been hit in enough that the equipment was not quite insane... close.

"I think they will follow me into battle with a fair bit of confidence now....  but I won't be everywhere, obviously.  We need to use these eyes as little as possible, save them for...  well, I guess we'll know.  Confidently, I could do that to a battlefield of soldiers.   Shoulda believed me all those times I told we would win."

We get a count of the dead, then take over the truck....   a good find, lots of papers inside, maps of their  camps, the latest intel on where they believed the people from the Dunes were going -- they were mostly wrong.    We are only a few miles from our safe house, though I still have everyone put on the uniforms of the dead, their wet blood and .... a  sickening thing I put myself though of course, taking one the bloodiest.   I error on the side of caution, though I also felt this would be good psychological lesson for the men who were going to lead.  A man who had just slaughtered a platoon by firing blood from his eyes, cutting the in half as they hid behind trucks...  showed caution, not bravado, after what they saw as a display of the miraculous, even the most cynical of the cynics.  They would be leading cynics and those who know who I am.   I must have them able to use the moral, and the seeming miracles would do this.  They are not a lie, I am supernatural, just filled with weapons too horrific to want to use, too wary they could destroy... the entire world.  

We find ourselves in a trailer in the back of a large park of them.   How anonymous I think as we pull in.  The last place they would look for a revolutionary leader on this night.  With a family that has lived here almost twenty years, under cover, ready for the revolution, waiting, waiting, waiting... for the order to come down.    I was in the dark all those years, and was always a little wary of these kind of people, who had watched my life the entire time, as a deity, or as an alien, or as.... the program had built into it all kinds of belief system, depending on which one took precedent....   and various different ways for people to see me, to hide me, confuse them, the old sleight of hand... hiding and showing.   I became a secret the societies told the upper level about, a child who grew wings, that we were in the end times, and angel had arrived, heralding no doubt the end times. 

Due to how I acted, not exactly like Jesus, though morally fair, I did like to make myself out in my writing to be quite a bit more wild than I was.... at least at the time.  I had gone through various favorites, though nothing had happened that I understood as miraculous until  I began to awaken, as I understood I knew more than Scott, and was the servant of a mighty God who had chosen me for a task, and I there is nothing I would rather do than God's will.

The sermons on the radio need to be in the book, as well.   Though I know in the end, if you are anything like me, you will think there is too little actul action describe.  I write my internal dialoge without even explaining what is happening around me.

We spend a lot of time during the day hearing reports, reactions from the various families running things from behind the scenes to my announcement of how I want to lead.  These same groups wanted to make me their king when they thought I would be a figure head, a mascot, who took his huge checks and shut up, came out once in awhile to wear a crown and meet famous people, and the rich and powerful who I hate to even be in the same room with.   I am no one's puppet.  They tried, I would not play along.   Refusing someone's millions is the best way to show them you cannot be bought, the only way for me to be free in this world.  That and not allowing people to worship me.  I am not GOD.   I am the Son Of God, which is very unspecific, and used to describe a state I become in when I grow my soul in human flesh, to be raised as one in a time, and learn as much as  I need to learn about for my mission, which is usually immense, and leading to my becoming a scholar at least, warrior poet being the role I played more than any other, every culture has them.

I hear in today's briefing from soldiers in their twenties who look so fucking young to my fifty five.   They are serious men, though they are honored to be working with me, where the men feel absolutely safe now that they have seen what the lasers in my eyes can do.   When I told them I could take out a landscape of soldiers and armory they cheered....   I brought them back down to earth by adding that I would not be with them all the time.   They would have to fight without me most of time, but I would always have their back.   And because of me we will win.

They believed now that the public was awake we would gain soldiers, and we had, too many.  An army moves on its stomach they say.  Thank God we live in the land of plenty, where many towns supermarkets were fully stocked, and when we came through they were more than glad to fill our trucks, and we paid... with Gold.   Telling them paper money was going to be worthless soon.  They believed us.   If not... well, the places changed ownership occasionally.

My next move will be plane.   A farm a few miles from here, with a crop sprayer that we will take on our last jump to Colorado, where our people have set up a refuge in the state, and the pro pot crowd that has been moving there for years were free will oriented, and would not like ISIS rules about killing drug users.   We had places high in the mountains, armed and ready, with heat seeking missiles, air defense.    I was hoping things would not come down to a fight, but had to be prepared.  They had a studio there for my broadcasts, and producers, directors... they were bringing in co hosts, generals to tell their stories, spies and others who came to our side, a few people who worked on the live list....  confessions from all walks of life that they covertly worked for the government.  Doctors who would talk about the reason medical mistakes were the third leading cause of death in the USA by design,  one arm of a genocide.

They were already broadcasting, along with me, on radio, tv. ham radio....   like myself, they had their own satellite, which was essentially to get the word out... and access, hacked, to others.  The gov. never knew where we were going to spew my words down from, though they carried around the world, and many countries were coming along with us now, practicing the same tactics as myself.  A few had already taken their country, and they had orders to be an example of our courtesy around the world.  The word courtesy I emphasized when I spoke to them.   There were people in our midst, fighting with us, who were working for ISIS, and would try to get looting, theft, etc... started to sour the population on us.   I had such people watched for meticulously, to the point of having the dog tags containing secret listeing devices.  They were not able to infilitrate us.   We had them listed as shipped out, then lost in battle....  to hide from the enemy how we were finding them.   I have learned intelligence work is trying to think a few moves ahead of the enemy.   I am not always, though usually.     I gave them very few options for a reason.   I want control of where we fight.

The Nuking of Chicago had destroyed ISIS higher command, who had been living the high life in downtown high rises, taken from their residents at gunpoint.  They were explained as CIA agents on a mission, the closest to the truth I had heard them say about their mercenary army.   We also took out three regiments they had bivouacked in parks, and near the beach.   They thought the war was going to end in Chicago, years from now....   the last thing they expected was a first salvo, after eight years of waiting, when I moved even further south of the city they should have panicked.   Instead they were surprised I had been hiding in the city.  That I was so close.  The move was not even notice, that I was for the first time in eight years outside the blast zone.  When this started they told me I was not allowed to leave Chicago.  They were taking no chances with me leaving the city then destroying it.  They knew I valued life, my animals, my wife.... and I did not want them harmed.  Made them feel safer than any city, in a way....

No more.  The government channels are calling me the new leader of ISIS.   They claimed the troops in Chicago were army, as they had told the city at the time...  they were not.  The regular army was being exterminated, an entire naval base north of Chicago was gassed with planes, then taken over by the ISIS leaders after we made Chicago a radioactive no man's zone.   They had my whole life story from before, and were going to use the worst video tapes from my years of being monitored, destroy my name in any manner possible, like they had done before, after mistakingly making me a hero of their movement, before I knew what it was... and had to back peddle when I realized I was with a group planning genocide, not saving the world...  and were my enemies.   I am gladden by the thought that no one believes a word they say anymore, though some will still hate me, those who lost family members to the forces who believed they were fighting under my orders, when in actuality the cia and others were subverting my chain of command.   I was used.  Crucified on the absurdity of a reality show, when I thought I was at war with the world...  not commanding certain groups...  a world that would not aide me as the government harassed me in the worst way possible, stealing my very privacy.  Privacy.   Only those who have lost it could imagine how much I missed it.   I talked to the bugs, there was no ignoring them, and often the tv had things on obviously directed toward me that pissed me off.   I had no idea some stations supported me and some did not, had no idea that my idol comments were getting people killed, had no idea my religion had taken over Colorado, California, and other places they refused to tell me, always trying to keep me from knowing how much power I had to fight them.  Though that was before I WAS ALLOWED TO CHOOSE MY ALLIES, RATHER HAVE MY ASS SOLD LIKE A WHORE, FROM PIMP TO PIMP....  I have a lot less, though they are the ones who pass the moral tests.    I do not care if we think differently, I love that about humans, but we must rely on how we will act about a few fundamental actions, then the rest can be do as thou will as long as no one is harmed who does not want to be...   right now, they have a fight or die situation on their hands.  Things will get harder when we are governing.444

They have brought me experts in all sorts of fields, to meet in Colorado and design the ten years of Dictatorship I am going to impose.   The people will not care at first, we are just imposing strict security orders to fight the elite's army, drive them from our shores.  Then  I have to make sure they cannot just finagle their way back across and own everything by the criminal laws they have instigated.   I have my dream that will work, without fail.   People will try to stop me right from the start so I am going to kill the people who I work with with impunity.

The trailer looks large from the outside, a double wide, beige like most of them in the lot, the small front yard is well gardened, shows care and a couple gnomes.   Inside, our crew of ten fills everything up fast.  The windows are covered in light curtains, so I ask the owner to turn off everything except one small lamp.   They feed us spaghetti, which I pass up, too polite to tell them  I am a vegetarian and thinking about eating meat after seeing the muscles inside all the bodies I had in the last few days made the look of flesh...  less appealing than ever.   The killing first brought on my vegetarianism. 

We sleep, some of us.   I hear a few trying to keep anyone from hearing them cry, and that cheers me a bit, reminds me these leaders are heart felt.   They were chosen by James, who knew most of the Chicago gangs, having made it a special job of his to free sexual slaves, running missions all on his own.  Or so he told me.  They give them things to say to me that will appeal to me, make me want to work with them, especially James, who was my contact with the spy world...  direct and deep.    He knew a lot more than he would tell me, and I had come to trust him.   I would not want to clutter my mind with details.   I am focused now on how I will approach the leaders gathered in Denver.  Heads of the families would be there, including mobsters, government officials, China, Russia, Israel, and the heads of banking, the stock exchange.  Before I gave them all breaks, during the time in oh seven when I held a lot of power, I spared them out of ignorance, and believing they would reform.  Now I had come to trust China more than any of the super powers because they were the only ones to say, yes, your work is good, continue, and not try to manipulate me... they know my fight, my mission and support me, without having to believe in God at all, though my presence had greatly increased the number of Christians there, they were moderates as my myself, or they were not tolerated.  We had seen in the USA how extremist religion could be triggered during Operation Bluebeam, average people out there who were willing to kill for their God.  Those longing for my return would do anything to prove to themselves that the killing had meaning.   I simply could not be a fraud, because it would mean their lives would dissolve... and I did this to them, inadvertently.   Some have come back in the fold and others will hate me for what I did when I was a puppet, for the harsh words I meant for enemies who had destroyed my career and life and left me with no answers as to why...

Thank God I exposed myself again to the public, accidently, when I bought cable from a company that had been broadcasting me, and the same group that had made money when they filmed me before, reassembled, and activated a church telling the Christ wanted them to watch him, do certain things when he dressed certain ways, and kill his enemies.... go after those he criticized.   I was not aware of any of this.  Getting stoned and writing a book in the voice of Jesus that the brainwashing left in my mind.   I was crazy half the time in my thinking, it looks from here, a few years later when I have discovered myself, amidst all the lies told about me in the bibles...  I read the Holy Texts looking for answers, and learned a few.  Found a lot of bullshit too.  Wanted to be Jesus removing all the salt from the bible, but I am Scott, and while I will do the same thing in my way, should the species survive after I leave or not, this will more than likely be the last writing that the survivors receive from me.  If we win, and set up ten thousand years of peace, that will only be achieved by accepting and loving one another, and throwing everyone's problems into the center of a round table, then solve them as our own....  all countries must do this, pool the resources of all and elevate all.   Simple to instigate once the people who have an invested interest in keeping the present system going try to stop it, then it becomes very complicated, for them, for us it will always remain simple.  Doing a job.

I am sure that the fighting in Tennessee is fierce tonight.  We are trying to stop them from getting over the mountains, which they are running foraging missions now, testing our defenses.  Their images from above are being distorted by  a physics prof from u of I who I politely listened to and did not understand shit about the apparatus.  We would be invisible to the satallites, which would see footage from the day before, or two days, whatever we programmed it in.  No one had put enough defenses in their satalites in preparation for an attack of up to date hackers, a real anonymous, not the CIA playground of getting people...  to do God knows what?   Regardless, without the hackers our jobs would have been impossible.   Now we are invisible in the watched world.  

God truly humbles me by providing this assistance, and they have poured in from across the globe, foreign fighters who had been wanting to fight the elite of the west their entire lives...  China was bringing in ships full of recruits from all over the world, going to the closest countries first... the Mexican boarder has been torn down, along with all the walls, and they have been invited back into their native lands, apologized to and given the spoils of war deserved, Texas and California, parts of Neveda.   They would repay us with all the military assistance we needed, They were taking in refugees from the LA nuking, and sending us soldiers, doctors, anything they could.   Their government was reacting on popular sentiment, which I helped spur by saying we were going to legalize drugs in Mexico, and give the cartels legal distribution rights, to buy them out without violence, general pardons.  A program that will actually work, despite the political bickering that would normally stop it, written into our mutual aide pact.

In my latest talks I asked China to bring up war crimes by the United States by China with the actions of ISIS.  They will be doing so next week, and what all the world knows, will finally be acknowledged and looked at by every country in public, where they will begin to show their sympathies.  Our people from various countries will be there, finding out who lives in the end, and who dies.   We will need much of the world for what we are going to do, though I WANT TO GRANT AS much autonomy as possible.  Russia has been at my side forever, though I have tested their nerves at ties.   I was assigned a Russian spy, the honey pot slaves they always used to control me...  she kept me alive in situations where I had no idea that she was killing people to save my ass...  they told me of desperate things she did when she thought I was going to lose in the war we were in at the time, going to other sides and saying she would help them, etc.... then I always seemed to make a come back, right when I was needed to do something only I could do, and rise again...  now she finally trusts I know enough to lead, though I was lead around by her in oh seven when they first started using me in operation bluebeam, which she knew all about, and expected to be the wife of Jesus.  She is incredibly moral.   I think she loves me.  It could still be part of her cover, because I am sure she hated me at times, and hated having been assigned me... oh, well.   By the virtue of all we went through together I fell in love with the one who was always by my side, always fighting with me, no matter what they said about me... telling me to just live my life.   She may have played me, but for all I know they would have killed her, or worse, if she failed.  She was worried about her fate enough to betray me with other groups when I was down.   I forgive her.   I am a forgiver.  This is what I do.  Forgive, then see if the person redeems themselves, or thinks words are enough....

I have had to forgive all the plants in my life.  I have had to forgive women who killed their entire families in some misguided religious fervor brought on by my presence of life.  The madness that drove people to actions I could not begin to associate with myself, had no idea I could stop with a few words.   I was told of women jumping off skyscrapers and remembering a stupid joke I made on the radio show about kill yourself and others, though not in that order... a stupid joke and women lept from skyscrapers.   I saw it announced on the news that this one woman broke into a building on Michigan avenue, broke into the fortieth floor -- I was often associated with a number of letters, and forty was one of them, as was nineteen eighty, the year I graduate, and seven, for luck...  I guess, and other reasons.   Regardless, I thought at the time,  I said this and wrote this, could this be.... then I was like No, things do not happen like that in real life.  Later, maddened by learning there was some mission you wanted me to do, some attack that you wanted, some way of proving myself, and on the morning sportscasts I would hear of all these weird accidents, people intentionally driving the wrong way on the highway.   Only later when I learned my comedy had been treated as scripture as well, and god I made up, Ralph, kept getting in car accidents, and I had in my life been in a few.    There was something about a train taking off.   I thought these people were on my side, and that I fought for the right side...  I had no idea there were all these different groups in power, and many were seriously considering me, which was a huge shock to a person who had felt the world was pretty much going to mostly ignore him his entire life.... at forty five dreams of fame had molted into making fun of the famous, and realizing  I had the freedom on line to write things the famous could not get away with.  I felt very marginalized, that no one knew who I was.  All an illusion.   I started writing about a comedy character gathering an army and those who knew of me, and my family associations -- mother the leader of the underground communist movements, what else could it be except gathering an army of atheists, pretty much, to fight the system... my character was a leftist serial killer.   They came to Chicago and surrounded me, expecting a man to start a war, then they were told that man was none other than this guy who grew wings, who the masons and catholics and the momons and Christians and Buddhists and world governments had been watching with great interest, thinking the deity was there to bring in world peace.   I was a sweet child, very Godly.   Without a cover yet developed I was perfectly in tune with God, always with him in my every action, and pleased that he was pleased with me, or pissed that I had done something that would hurt him, or think less of me.   I lost all that quick, though I kept a general attitude all my life that I wanted to be the moral hero in every situation possible, no matter what it cost me...  wanted nothing to do with crime and immorality, in my definition, though I had to learn my lesson like everyone, by being burned...  inside, in the part of yourself that has to live with yourself.   I realized long ago that accepting myself was the primary anchor I had into sanity.  I accepted that the truths I believed made my lifestyle moral.  They chose me because they saw similarities with Jesus.

There were others who worshipped me as a demi-god, and I believe my disbelief in Hell and the whole Satanic myth, in way, was started by those who were on the other side of my wrath in some supernatural battle, which I had won not through the supposedly fair fight they wanted, since they outnumbered us seven to one, but by flooding them.   My ability to call floods to wipe out armies and wretched cities that had fallen into nothing more than slavery pits that I would attack and free people from, may have led to the idea of Noah, though I tend to think this writer's parable is about caring for animals.   I do not think it was meant to be taken literally.   No one writes a book about adam and eve and says nothing about how they did not end up with a bunch of inbred's etc...  if they thought people would be stupid enough to take it as anything except a parable, as in another time it was known to be.  WE HAVE FORGOTTEN TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE NORMS OF THE SOCIETIES from which the bibles came, and look at them less as scriptures that contain the exact words of God, but as the words of men sometimes inspired by God, sometimes forced to add a passage by a King, and nothing to take without editing out the salt Jesus spoke of.    I also wrote of getting rid of the salt, back in otwelve I guess... later, when the CIA murderer I wrote about earlier dropped his mask, he said, with the look of the true believer in wide, bloodshot eyes, "You have to get rid of the salt.  Don't tell them where the bones are."   I knew just what the fuck he was talking about and was stunned by the change that came over the take it all in stride, hippy, tough guy Irishman, who suddenly showed me a breadth of belief that led to murder.   I had never experienced such belief from another human being, having lived among the skeptical most of my life.    A  murderer preaching at me.  I knew nothing about bones, though later I was able to put together something  I thought was a joke, with this thought, and come to a stomach churning knowledge of how they fit together.   Realities I have to leave out of this book.   It will be in enemy hands, and in the hands of those  I gave a loyalty oath, and those who have reason to suspect me, and fear me, and they need reassurance and I save innocent lives by giving them, so it is the least I can do, a man whose words have been bullets in the past.   Present . . .  future.  

I am supposed to be sleeping.   My thoughts excite me too much.   I tell myself to think of something pleasant, and all that comes to mind is in a past now long dead, a city turned to rubble, and a countryside around the town I grew up destroyed by ISIS coming thru and meeting resistance, our last stand before they came up into the southside of Chicago, a target the racists behind the fighting wanted done quick and bloody, to free the world from the black underclass once and for all.   They expected an easy win, as they had found so far.   This was the first battle we took total command of, and of course we sent them running, long enough to secure the dunes and the surrounding five miles...  we pulled back on the last few days, brought all the of them within range of our surprises.    The napalm that would fly down onto their soldiers, cars, trucks...  missiles.  We could nuke them again, a small one, sent from one of our offcoasts subs.   I chose the napalm traps.  Most of the soldiers were on the northside of the city off duty, feeling like they were winning, not even thinking there was much fight left in the USA.   So far they had run into unprepared towns that were ordered to their deaths, and line up.... they felt they had no choice.  They had seen the reports about  ISIS and knew they would surrender in the end, because that was the only way to live.  Some would convert to Islam, be sold into slavery.   Some fought.  They turned out to have a better fate in the end.   Some made it to our resistance, we were there, ready with weapons, etc...  we could not afford to hold ground though, so we got out of the cities who we could first, the vital, and the loved... pets welcome.

The mountains of Tennessee and Kentucky, the entire Appalachian range was ready for them, had the high ground, plenty of arms.   ISIS was in for a surprise, to a degree.  We had hackers and inside people manipulating most military intel, even satellite photos were being sent out with our troops hidden.

The miraculous promise of my God, that I would go from alone to surrounded by those he would send me, the moral ones I needed, not those who first wanted me to be their king, their monarch, to display to the public and keep out of politics.   A photo op with God.

We have had to fight numerous battles to get from Iowa to Yellowstone, where the huge park had become a haven for refugees from the war.   They had contigents of Marines who had come to our side, artillery, anti aircraft battilions were in place, and more importantly, various nuclear silos were now under our control.  They could not afford to attack the area, and so far it was the only base where it was large enough I could blend in, get to the leadership and safely gather...  something I avoided as much as possible, preferring to keep the generals as far apart as possible, to keep the enemy from deciding to use the nuclear option, as I had done in Chicago to destroy their first contingency of leaders, and many of the elite themselves, as well as their so far victorious army, that was being used to scare the American public into FEMA camps, the entry path to going to their deaths.  The government had grown so grotesque they were grinding up the bodies of the dead, and feeding them back to those in the FEMA camps the night before they were shipped off, supposedly to save their food, though also I suspect because they want to acquaint ISIS with a possible food supply, as they ravaged across the USA.  

The Ghosts had given me the means to stop them, thirty some years ago now...  they were haunted by knowing all this was coming, and heartbroken over what they knew was coming for me, whom they considered the Christ.   I know that only now.  Then I just knew they were seriously, and that if called to save my country, or fight this great evil, there was no saying NO.   We all dream of having reasons to live, and I always thought mine was just to write, before the Ghosts put a gun in my hand and made me shoot four of them in the face.   Watch their torn and grotesque faces falling back into the dark water, sinking beneath the surface of white froth and human waste...  I became a nuclear power that day.   I have not written much about the surgery on my hand and will not.  The less my enemies know about this technology the better.   I did not have a nerve crackling when I set off the bombs.  We watch the official news, filled with peoples whose entire lives, relatives, friends... turned to dust.  Their tears effect me, their torn lives effect me...   I am on a lot of pills.  Pain pills for the back, energy pills, sleep pills, anti anxiety pills.  I do not take so many I am drunk all the time but I recognize the weight on my shoulders, and I will use any chemical I have to for continued functioning.

The stresses I have been put through would have killed a Human.  They started calling me superman because I saved the government, which I did for my own reasons, not wanting to add to the race I was trying to stop was at the top of the list.   I was telling the president that I could say any damn thing I wanted in my living room when I was being illegally taped, as I was, by various groups in the underground.  I set up no defense against them, they wanted to hear a revolutionary speak, they would get one, defiant and screaming and as terrifying as  I could make myself, a threat to any and all who would harm me.  A violent seeming creature, who was of course....   more violent than I would have understood.  A song, one of too many written about me when they wanted to use me in operation bluebeam and of course used rock n roll and other music as well, sang that she could not believe all the blood behind my blue eyes.

Neither could I.   Johnny Pain was my stage name, because of all the back surgeries after they took out the wings and messed up my spinal column, during a year in the hospital at five, where  I have few memories of...   meaning they were more than likely already working hypnotically on my mind, something they continued doing my entire life, without letting me know, until very late in the game, when I forced them to tell me the truth about myself.  They wanted my origin story to be a miraculous story the religious could relate to easily, find proof of in their bibles.  When I found out I would be other... well, allies let me know this was happening, and once told it made perfect sense, how I learned of things from my dreams and fantasies what was going to be the future, where in many ways I created it inadvertently, with a Magic controlled by God, and done his ways, ways which often involved a lot of Pain for me, but that was why  I am, to take on the worst pain of the humans, to heal, to hold their hands as they progressed thru the cycle of life that produced souls...

Three trucks block the road, a government roadblock and a camp behind.
  Isis was in tents climbing up into the hills behind the vehicles that were blocking the road.  The sight was peaceful, the tents glow of yellow browns and beige, the fires dancing in the hills...  a lot of tents were various colors, red, blue, yellow....  with lights inside them they glow in the night, remind me of Christmas lights...  I walked up to the road block, three trucks blocking our path.   The four guards were at alert, asking us for our identification if we were regular army, etc...   I used my eyes to kill three of the soldiers, cutting them clean in half at the waist,  watching them tumble down and their intestines spread around them...  the display works its spell, and the fourth guard goes along with us....gave us the keys to the trucks, and we moved them out of the way, then I killed with a precise, painless blast into his forehead.

I motioned for the men to back off and take cover behind the trucks, then began to walk across a hundred feet of bare grass, leading up to the chow tent, and then behind them the tents, the lives being lived.   They have women they have forced into sexual slavery with them.   I am in no position to save them from anything except this life itself, write them of as I begin to scan the camp, and a red line began weaving over the tents, starting fires, setting off screams and men with guns coming out and trying to take up positions, when I had to merely look their way and they fell dead.  I could see their heat if they were not visible in the green glow of the night vision, and the eyes did the rest.  The automatic kill setting took out anything close or aiming first, scanned the entire area of battle and even could control the muscles in my face enough to turn my head, or start to and I responded automatically as well, going along with the killing machine inn my eyes.   I could see them trying to escape into the woods, fired thru the trees, the boulders, the armored vests...   no one left alive.  We would not be located.   I regretted the women, as did my men as we searched he camp for intelligence.  They were very young.   The maddening slavery the elite had enticed their godless soldiers with ENRAGED ME.  I wanted them all dead, everyone who ever took a girl of twelve and made her a sex slave.  None of them were close to of age.  We found three older women in the feeding tent.  All dead, by precise strikes to the forehead, in almost exactly the same spot every time.

They took footage of the shooting, uploaded them.... I am sure they were playing great to our soldiers and those who looked to me for Holy Guidance.  I did not feel like I was deceiving them, when they said blood flew from my eyes.   I had heard speculation I was using lasers though that died down quick at the insane ID of anyone inventing such eyes, let alone me.   This was why my soldiers had insisted of murdering everyone who knew about the eye technology itself, not just those who doctored and nursed me.   We knew the only way to keep what we had done secret would require a means for our ends.  Or they knew.  I had to trust their military knowledge, what they knew about how to fight the shadow war.   I did not pretend that I am all knowing or any of that shit.  I listened to people on the small decisions, it was on the larger ones that I acted on what God would wish without consulting a soul, such as with LA and Chicago.

We spend a week in Yellowstone, before the arrangements are in place to get me into Colorado, something the Elite were going to try to stop at all costs.  Everything I needed was there, the area set up to be my headquarters long before I knew I would ever need one, by the operation bluebeam crew, who had given up on that idea, realizing this brainwashed boy who went awry had used their blunder to build an army stronger than theirs.   In Yellowstone we slept in tents, mourned, everyone was drinking and getting high, there were free drugs of all types for everyone, hospitals sacked.  They all had heard my sermons and how I used pills during rough times, in moderation, rather than drinking.   I told the emotional hell of this revolution would become a waking nightmare, and all they had to do was survive.  Addiction we would worry about later.

I needed them able to fight, like football players shot up by managers to get back out under the tv lights, give the a show...   ignoring the physical pain, gone by the magical shot.   I figured the same way, though the pain was emotional.  If I expected average people to get thru this extraordinary experience without extraordinary means.  I have had people bitch at me about this, that I would create a bunch of drug users... no, that was done already.   I am just a revolutionary leader who has seen the pain this causes people since man first walked upright, and this life they have invented pills to dull this horror, and I feel like it would be cruel not allow soldiers to use them, not to mention I am not hypocritical and way too honest for my position.   I have had to use the pills since learning about all the deaths, since ordering deaths.  I do not know how many died in the early years when the CIA was using me as a puppet, just that the favor I did for them bought me a license to kill that I did not know about, and I wrote blindly in my blog, violent criticism in a psycho character I had developed to comment on all the violence in the world, and how we become inured to it.  I knew of enough that my dim life was suddenly filled with a lot more ghosts.  I did not want to allow my thoughts to go there, had to compartmentalize them away for later, when they came in handy when I needed a reason to keep fighting and all  I had to do was think of their unmarked graves, hear their voices crying out for change, and swearing to them that I will not allow their deaths to be in vain.

We climb into covered pick up trucks, and take off in different directions, so as not to draw attention, planning to all meet up at the ranch in the mountains that would be my base, complete with a maze of underground tunnels that had been taken from the government, by force, and ran all the way to the new airport, the one filled with paintings of the apocalypse...

We have no more incidents on the road.   We make it to the farm in the middle of the night -- I have lost track of things like days and time and sleep patterns...  day or night, I wake up somewhere strange and immediately take a hand full of pills to stop the emotions that gather in me and I fight through for forty five minutes or so until the coffee, smokes, and pills are finally hitting me enough that I am the me I need again.   I once went thru therapy, worked out for twenty years without doing drugs, never needed them.  Had no voices clamoring at me, millions of dying lepers asking me to cure them, trying to get my attention, reaching out their smothering arms, grabbing me everywhere, tearing me apart.   I was very afraid of being eaten when I first woke up to being Jesus and all the past lives were flowing thru my mind uncontrolled...   many times in the past my flesh had been eaten to try to get some of my magic, and your churches still drink of my blood and eat of my flesh to this day...  it was not that illogical, though I cannot imagine how this looked to the people who were filming me.   I was talking to them.   I existed, The Christ, and this threw everything I had believed into question.  This was a light switch going on and my eyes adjusting the brightness.... not a slow, somber awakening.   This was meeting the Devil the first weeks out of my cover life.

I make excuses for the dead, for myself.

I become addicted to the news.  A gorgeous blonde is on at them moment, new to the field more than likely since we targeted and scared off the agents of operation mockingbird who had sold out long before, and deserved the fate my soldiers exacted on the ones we caught, though most had the money to flee, like we wanted them to.  Leave us the continent was my cry to all of them now... or die.  Their armies were beginning to desert.  They saw the film footage too of the Holy Man/The Christ/The Alien/the....   I was thought to be all kinds of things, though I demanded I be Scott, just one among many on earth...  My knowledge of who I am is obvious to any who know me, I cannot deny this.  I just do not want a big deal made out of, or to be worshipped, which is like having a false icon before GOD.   I am not God.   I am the representative of God, His Son, he has called me and I could not take more pride in anything on this world, or more sadness.    I know that He expects more of me than I feel I can give, though know I can intellectually... know  I always have, always will.

The Newscaster tells a terrified US population, '"Government forces are within days of striking the death blow to ISIS that they have been promising.  Sources in the government are saying it is all over except cleaning up operation in certain locations around the country.  Certainly things have gone back to Normal here in Washington, D.C., where they never changed in the first place."

Here lies are believed by no one at this point. People were in a panic, attempting to leave cities.  China was broadcasting the truth now as well, on what they are Calling The Truth channel, and though there was some propaganda on there for sure, they basically only had to report the truth.  We were winning everywhere, and beginning to amass troops along their line protecting the east coast.

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