I took out the lasers from this on line novel...

For most of humynkinds history I have led slave revolts, started religions, or steered them, was an acolyte to your holy men.appearing at times as an Angel, a burning bush.... I am not an angel. Angels can fall. I cannot fall. I earned my position by being the first creature in all of the cosmos to say No to God. My kind collects souls from destroyed planets... entrophy says they all go. He would send those from my planet to give creatures a mercy death, though this was not explained to me... we followed orders out of love of God, our Father -- so to speak, He has no sex, I merely follow your traditions.

---- this is a novel in progress, which also is trying to teach how to write a book. I hope to get these two texts from this vlog. I am a well read and published author from way back with lots of education and experience, though I have never tried to do this before... as such, I took out a major plot device.. the lasers.... you will understand as the story unfolds......

I learned to love the creatures of the planet he sent me to that time, and how He laughed at me, How he seemed to love me ever more. His creation had taken on a life of his own and created Free Will. He allowed me then a variation on our ways, told me that he would send me to the very beginnings of the lives on the planet, that I could attempt to give them ten thousand years of peace before their end. I am the greatest mass murderer in the history of time. I will in the end destroy all that lives on this planet. The Father will decide if I have succeeded or not in steering the species to life or death.Our Father is pure love, and entity I have witnessed in a dream/vision, vast and timeless and immobile.

When a soul has their final death, and nothing is left on the planet's surface to draw the entity back into the cycles of living and learning, they gravitate toward God from every planet, dimension, time... I AM a different being, The Chosen One -- cursed I think at times... chosen for a mission that I would never ask of another. Instead of going back to God, where I began my existence, I instead feel the pull of the pain of other life forms, other planets that are like this earth, struggling with the suffering of the cycle of life.

Now I AM the Son of Man, living among you since before life began here... a creature who is lless than the Father who created us -- I use Father as your term, in reality you would no more apply a sex to GOD than you would a boulder. This is the tale of your planet, from the beginning to the now, as well as a prophesy of your possible futures... Your bibles have some truth, and one is that even the son does not know when the Father will bring on what some of you refer to the rapture, and others death by the greenhouse effect, others nuclear war, others the simple passage of time that eventually destroys all that is created... I am here to answer the prayers that began when your mind first was able to understand death... when you first began to spin myths to answer the questions that are not yours to know except in the most childish of manners... WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? I appear in each generation, awakening only after I have learned the ways of a time enough to fullfill my mission. They vary from situation to situation, fire to fire I trudge, bringing my soul into the worst of situations, to rekindle the FREE WILL that humyns have been granted; the only species on the planet that is not completly bound by ther genetic imperatives -- though they are much more than they realize. In one life I am leading a slave revolt; another teaching priests a new slant on religion; another an ancient warrior covered in bear skin barely keeping his tribe alive in desperate times... and now, a warrior in a shadow war fought behind the scenes of the media, between intelligence agencies, undergroud groups, the deeper levels of the Churches, the Masons, the oligarchies, the east and the west... as I try to prepare the souls on earth to choose between ten thousand years of peace, or the haunting visions of endless lightening flowing from my chest, and endless fire from my back, great streams of destruction encircling the planet and consuming the earth... What sounds like a horror will be, should the father decide your ability to solve your problems is hopeless, a mercy killing before the planet plunges into pure chaos, as the damaged atmosphere begins to destroy their crops, flood the coasts, sending cannabilistic refugees across the planet... and bringing a hell on earth God will not allow. My mission is to stop the wealthy from destroying the planet by living lives of luxury while most of the planet is plunged into poverty by their excesses. Already I have been recognized by presidents, popes, the leaders of all countries and churches... and also hidden, as best the intelligence agencies can, after they tried to use me, when I was still waking up... I tried to warn them that while I am forgiving, my Father watches what is done to His son, and exacts horrible revenge...

This book I am drafting will confuse some of you, as I write for those who are involved in the secret world they keep from the masses, though I will try to avoid this... there is cognitive dissonance in all minds, that will attempt to tell you what I write is all fiction, but my oath to you is that I will tell all I can about the ways of man that I learned when the elite attempted to make me create a world wide religion, leading to a one world government, and the carnage that has been left in my wake.... I cannot tell everything, so I use fiction where I must, and other incidents I must leave out entirely, because my writing has resulted in unintended death all across this planet. I am the most dangerous creation God has ever created. I am also the most forgiving.

I OFFER REDEMPTION AND FORGIVENESS for every soul that truly will change their ways.... others I have a special hell for, a place where they pay penance, and learn how much I despise the lifestyle they have just lived. Thank you for reading my words. Know that though I was greatly disturbed when I awoke in these times from my innocence, and this writing should be greatly disturbing to you, that God is love, and in the end, every soul will experience the absolute ecstasy of dwelling in the Golden Light of God's Overwhelming Love forever.

There are compiled entries where you can now read the story up to this point. This is first draft, where I write everything down at first, even though if some of it clashes with other parts... then later decide which way to go. I go back over these compiled chapters again and again, working on them to perfect them, and then working on what is to come, which is the roughest prose. All throughout the book there is more telling so far than showing, because a lot has to be told to bring the reader up to speed, on a war that has been going on for eight years, and has finally come to a head as the elite decide to genocide seven billion and the protagonist begins nuking .... well, let that be a surprise. There are two things going on here, the teaching of how to write a book, and a book... which will become clear if you read the blog. I HAVE MADE A MAJOR CHANGE SINCE DRAFTING THIS BOOK. I AM REMOVING THE USE OF LASERS. PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND IF YOU ARE READING THIS DRAFT FROM THE BEGINNING. I hope the chapters stand alone, in a way, from the over all text and can be read as a short story. The poet in me wants each line to sound as if their is a sonnet birthing... But anyways, the chapters I have now are being pared down, to where about five of them are kept, and the remaining chapters, which grow organically from all the ideas in the draft, are set in stone. You are supposed to let the novel lead you, according to John Gardner, and while I love his books, I think he could have plotted better. I aspire at least to be the student who surpasses the teacher, who added to the science of literature his contribution.

Saturday, October 1, 2016


This is prose I have worked on at the top.... and then I left the prose from what I was working on at the bottom.  I rewrote the entire scene from memory so it all flowed better, checking the old prose to make sure I got everything in, though the best of chapter came back to me as I wrote.  This technique of setting the text aside and writing it a whole nother way is the manner in which I learned to write, from some of the greats who rewrote their books eight times, and I ended up in an endless rewrite loop on my first book, but I got over that by the time I finished digesting my schooling and began seriously writing.

The God OF Many Masks is been giving military oriented sermons nightly.   The government's tight control of the media and movies and tv shows are blasting out the same official story...  letting the propaganda creep into the plot lines even of commercials.   Only a few of the shows are left.  Mostly newscasters/spellcasters go on ad on about atrocities they carried out under their false ISIS flag, and have blamed on us, the ones who are fighting their mercenaries fighting under the black and white flag.     The government stations respond only occasionally to something I have said in my sermons.... though my latest act is going to force them to negotiate with me, or let their families know how disposable they are to the elite....


We located a camp where they were keeping the families of key players in the banking industry, the ones who are paying ISIS.  Their guards abandoned them when confronted with greater firepower.  Far behind enemy lines, their security is laxed as hell.  This is what they get for having soldiers fighting for the money to spend when they get home;   this was the score of a lifetime, this war...  they all talked about what they were going to do with their money when it was over.  We have no homes to go back to among my soldiers. We can regain, and would rather die than lose, quite a few of them.  

We found them in a SPA.  They were sitting out the war in style, chef's on every side, plenty of beautiful slaves and pimps to keep them in line, oligarchy on full display, and the threat of being fired a death sentence.  The staff was happy to see us, like on most of our missions, and the civilians who stepped up made our success assured.   Now we have over two hundred of them out in a field, and one of with a black hood, hands tied behind their backs, a camera focused on me as I take the enemies weapon out of their hands and use them against them, with better aim then they could have conceived of... benefit of being the son of God;  things work out for me no matter how dark things around us look.

We hiked our way from the helicopter, eighty almost, deep into ISIS terroritory, witnessing their scorch and burn tactics, how they left the wealthiest neighborhoods alone, managed to keep as much of the infrastructure in tact, while exterminating the people.   They felt safe here, the soldiers we ran into on our trek, until I used the blood from by eyes to kill them no matter where they hid, no matter what they were behind.   I could clean out entire buildings from a mile away, making our trek bloodless on our side.   We had taken out their satellites for at least a few days.  Enough.  Our movement has spread world wide, and the elite are having a harder time hiding out from us, though thus far we have not been able to touch them.   Our intelligence is taking us to a spa, converted into a FEMA camp for the rich and connected;  these are the families of bankers, and have brought in hundreds of soldiers to protect them....  though they feel as safe as those who had fled underground.  They could not believe we had a chance.  All their years of planning in the secret societies, the hundreds of years spent preparing, the cleansing of the planet of the cancer, the over populated humans now with no natural predators, and over populating.

We have a map of their compound.  They had made slaves of the staff, who knew with seven billion dying they were lucky to be reminded, and they were, day and night, as they were sexually and physically and verbally abused.  Rich, entitled, expecting their cocaine daydream to continue forever, and then just get better.   The mercenaries surrounding them abandoned them four minutes into the attack.  They had heard of me, knew what I could do, and not one of them was going to stay for a battle with a creature even they were beginning to believe was a God.  A few of them were coming to our side now, in areas where I personally attacked.   They had never seen anything like me;  the unexplained, the supernatural, proof of life eternal walking and talking and playing with his dogs and cats.

We came upon two guards on the way in and I walked into their line of fire, remained miraculously undamaged, as I took them out with the electric snap of blood from my eyes.

That is the SON OF GOD within me.  My Father will not allow me to be taken until it is His time, and I suspect he is going to have me destroy the planet, rather than allow it to fall into the hands of evil...  allow them all a mercy killing, rather than falling into savagery, as most planets did when their atmosphere died, or the meteorite hit or...  I had seen many planets die.  Too many to think of them and get one clear image from any of them, just the sight of planet after planet receding from my mind, all different colors and sizes and... eternity seeking pain has taken me to more places than numbers climb.    I might as well walk through bullets, because dying by gunfire might be a hell of a lot better for the living than the death He has planned for the Son who he has had crucified more than once, put to death for his heresies against various religions since time immortal.

No matter what I have said, the next life I lived the words have been twisted to mean something else.  Words mean whatever their context defines them to mean.  Moral in this world to one is blasphemy to another;   ethics and religions clash from mind to mind, in forever wars where no one is meant to win, and if someone does, run. 

I do not court gunfire, though the displays on occasion give me a feeling of... trust... though I am as much a realist as one such as I can be...  andI believe it is possible I could get wounded, because  I have been hurt by normal human things before, I had just never been able to be killed.  I did not have many shooting at me when I used the lasers.   We approached thru a heavy woods.   I stopped at every camera, pulled open my hood, and let them see me use my eyes as I looked down at the ground, activated the red beams, then slowly brought my gaze up into their view.   The soldiers they had monitoring the grounds were the first to quietly desert, and when the others heard that they took the cars in the lot and abandoned us our prize.   They were hysterical by the time we surrounded them.  I fired on the ones who had guns, thru the walls... then the next person who tried to pick up the dropped rifles, and they backed away and left them alone.  I watched this happen thru the infra red.  I wanted them terrified, ready to listen to any command.  The chopters bringing us out were already arriving as I came in thru a pool area in the back, toward huge glass doors where the people were being gathered by the soldiers who were already inside.   When I was ready, I motioned for my soldiers to bring the people out.   I could tell that they did not have everyone yet, were having to go door to door...  "You are now the prisoners of Total Peace.  You will be treated by the  Golden Rule while you are our captives.  How you treat us, will dictate how we treat you.  Go along quietly into the helicopters in fifteen minutes.  Please pack one bag apiece, bring the drugs you have been doing, whatever the hell you need.  We do not expect to hold you hostage for more than a week.   You have my word as the Son of Man that you will not be harmed."

 I used the lasers to burn a cross in a gray concrete wall off to my left, to prove to them I was He they had heard of, and that yes, my eyes did bleed.   They are the families of bankers.  The ones funding ISIS world wide.  I wish I could write that we were taking them to get something from their families, but they will not meet our demands, we know as much...  our hostages are in for something much darker than just finding out how little they mean to the psychopaths behind a genocide.

The next night we are back across the mountains, in a suburban ranch house surrounded by houses that look eerily the same.   I am in front of a white wall with a camera pointed into my face.  Before me is kneeling a prisoner, with their head covered in a black cloth, hands and feet zip tied.  Three miles away we have dug a rectangular pit, twelve feet deep and twenty nine feet long.  Standing on the dirt at the edge of the hole are the rest of the hostages, hands tied and blinded by black hoods, as well.

I made my demands that morning and received the response that the  government of the USA did not negotiate with terrorists.  The hostages knew their families were the power, not some government, and their families were writing them off.   Heartless.   I wanted the other families out there, who knew we were hunting them all along, just still lived in their world of lies, until we put that little crack in their reality by capturing some of to them the most important people in the world.  People like them, who had been assured they would live thru the genocide.

My demands were the release of all people who wished to come to the west without being bothered, and with food supplies and transport we would provide.   I wanted to free their slaves, and they were having of that, at this late hour, when they had slaves before it was legal, let alone now that ISIS allowed them to live such lives...   When they refused...   We prepared a live Vlog.

"Last night the armies of Total Peace captured over 200 of the elite, from a spa, of all places, they were using as a safe house, to wait out the extermination of the people they do not need as slaves.  We sent word to the leaders of the Elite, a group primarily based in Israel, turned out...  bankers families.  None of the bankers were actually with them, probably somewhere safer.   Regardless, as you know I have tried to treat prisoners as people  I will eventually wish to live in peace with.   However, since ISIS, who we know is simply the 38 families with 93 percent of the wealth in one convoluted way or another, is still trying to terrify the public with their fucking snuff films... sorry, language.   We asked them to free their slaves, allow those who are trying to cross the mountains, to the safety of our states, to be allowed to leave the war zone.  In a normal time these would be refugees... in this time they are slaughtered meat to feed the troops.   We are coming for those of you whom we can, still, though our demands were laughed at.  Anything that does fit into their plan they ignore.   I do not know if these people can feel enough to be hurt by the death of their families, they can easily replace them with exact duplicates practically, in their rarified world where manners make everyone seem to be acting the same way.   I am going to hate what I am about to do, and hate myself for it, more than our enemy will hate me.   We told them we would execute these prisoners as they are executing us if they did not meet our demand.   I am sorry...  please do not allow children to witness this.   To you, the families of the elite, you get in the way of their plan and you die.  Your insular world is about to be attacked all over the world.  In each instance, we are going to ask for this same thing, that the civilians be allowed to come into our refuge without being molested.   ANYWHERE you are, we are going to find you.  The only way to stop this is to convince your psycho family members to acknowledge they cannot win this war.  You can fight until there is nothing left fighting for,  and I will fight you all the way there.  I will make sure we both lose, if there is a loser.  To the soldiers on the other side watching this, we will continue to allow enemies to surrender with dignity.  As you know, we have sent many of you home...  though your former employer is hunting them down, so...  your choice.  God's do not war, God's slaughter.   God forgive me for what we are about to die.   Watch and listen as your families die, and those of you in hiding mark this well, they are getting an easy death, but they will get progressively worse until you acknowledge that we are not terrorists.  You will negotiate with us, if you have the slightest idea of what is good for you.  Go ahead and become enraged and use this footage as propaganda,  whatever...  you cannot take the truth out of the equation that you are murdering the people of the  USA systematically, and while we would never be sick enough to approach they numbers of your cold, dead eyes..."

I look down at the shivering woman kneeling a few feet in front of me, sweep my gaze across the back of her neck, the red lines flowing out from my eyes...  look like a line to me, cutting across the white flesh of her neck so quickly...  then the splashes of blood, flowing rhythmically from her jugular, drenching the front of my robe, getting specks on my glasses.  I  turn to the huge tv at my right and watch as bulldozers push the hostages into the pit...  some fall down are pushed along with the earth over and into the ground.   They back up, then begin pushing dirt into the screaming pit.   They are blood curdling, high pitched... pleas to God...   I have to turn my eyes to the floor....  I reach over and turn off the volume.  I can smell blood and shit from the corpse at my feet, and motion two of the production crew to get rid of her.   Then I walk over to a garbage can and puke up a lot of good drugs and coffee.

On the tv screen I notice  James, overseeing the slaughter, taller than anyone else, his slight slump under the three machine guns he is carrying, all for the camera.  The bulldozer have them all buried, and he looks over at the camera and gives a thumbs up...  I feel like he can see me.  There are cheers from our soldiers.  They have mostly lost their families.  They were chosen partially for this quality.

I have murdered more people now than anyone in history.  Destroyed more land with the nukes at the power plants than anyone in history.  If you take in all the lives I have lived, a warrior poet saint leading the slaves in the slaughters of their masters, the taking of the goods kept from them by class, or birth parents, or simple, outright, thievery in one form or another -- almost always legal in this time.  I have been hell on this earth to some, a savior to others.  Over and over.  Now I am in the last battle this planet will ever see, one way or another...   the planet killer I am known by some, to translate from numberless languages.  The welcomed reaper, in the end, after the survival instinct, the tether to the ecosphere, dies with the flesh. 

I am silent this entire time.  Realize I should be saying something.  "I talk to many audiences tonight.  I talk to the faithful, the unfaithful... the terrified, the wounded, the soon to be dead.  I talk to the hopeful and the hopeless.  I bring you the news that we will win, though so many of you will not live to see that day.  To those of you in  ISIS territory, continue as our operatives have asked, and know that the food deposits are in no danger of running out, and the lie the government is telling you that they have located the emergency supplies we set up for you.  I would come to all of you, invincible, if that were possible.   I can guarantee you that if you can get within two hundred miles of the mountains, we will have soldiers ready to take your back.  I know that is easy to say and almost impossible to do.  If you are safe, stay there.  Let us find you.  There are still helicopters getting across, this is a large country.  Last night we struck in the heart of their territory, in upstate Michigan, so know that we can get to you as well.  We have people coming into the east coast, with supplies, and enough of the Navy with us to punish them when the time comes to try to get the survivors out.  I wish I had better news for you....  they as much as laughed at us when we asked for your safe passage.  Anyone who has intel on where we can find more of the families or executives we are hunting, should consider getting that intel to us as a life and death mission.  If you lose your life coming to us, or getting the information of where they are at, you will be losing only your slavery, and the slavery of all those around you, including your families.  If we can get them.    I feel like I am giving a eulogy for so many of you, as I am for these people who died tonight.  They were simply born into a family this was fated to happen to during historic epochs like this, like the bloodbath after the French Revolution...  as others were born into families without the influence.  They were living like queens and kings when we captured them, abusing the staff as slaves.  I imagine this is becoming pretty universal with this crowd.  Back when they were trying to recruit me, long before they made it legal, they offered me sex slaves.

"In the next few weeks, we have operations set to go all over ISIS held territory.  We will make sure there are places on the helicopters to get some of you out.  If you hear fighting, grab your guns and come to our aide, if you can.  You just might earn a ticket out.  We are not coming in looking for specific people.  We plan of achieving our objects first.   Anyone in a position to throw a wrench in their machine, industrial espionage, sleepers... this is the time to show whose side you are on, to stop the government or Isis OR whatever they are calling themselves to you, that we will not give them half the continent.  That we will drive them from our soil, like the British before.  We do not need the Ayn Rand bunch pretending they are even needed, the parasitic leaches will find they needed the very people they disdained as dependent on them."

I never know what to say on these sermons/broadcasts, whatever the hell they are.  I am told they are needed, that the country needs a voice that encourages them in a time when it looked like all was lost.  To others a religious creature come to life.

"I try to imagine all the different ways I am seen in this world, without allowing this to effect my own view of myself.  I am the secret man with the examined life, where a few clues were hidden in long days of boredom, as I was watched without my consent all those years.  I never wanted to be a public figure again though the mission is of course more important than what I want, as God has shown me over and over.   He displayed me in rags and madness to you, in filth and rage at the watchers.  Then to find out there was just a damn webcam coming from my apartment.  Knowing you are being watched by a few people... and thinking it was reported back to all these people is one thing... learning of the magnitude of the audience, and the diversity of the audience, and the influence I was having for the negative...  these days still come back to me now, when I try to imagine how I am seen.  Especially after tonight, when I once more proved that I am a killer such as this planet yet to experience, by going to war against a God.  Only the last ditch effort of  a Satan, trying to hold onto his evil minions, keeps this world from just listening to reason and making the world as much of a paradise for as many as possible...  democracy is not over rated.   We are many, and they are few, which they are discovering now that we have forced them to spread out all over the world, or hide underground -- soon enough they will all be trying that, and since we have already nuked one of those... well, there is also a reason many of them are afraid to go underground, with good reason.  I end by saying I mourn for those who died today.  God has not abandoned you.   He sent his only begotten son for this last battle.  We will win peace, or we will transition into the soul.  To those who care nothing for religion, know we are obviously making some progress, and could use your help.   This is not a theocracy.  Some of us are religious, though I still believe in a separation of church and state, and people should believe as they will.  When it comes to what matters, we are all one the same side...  all good people, take care."

James is in the room by the time I am done.   He is standing behind the camera, looking at the blood on the floor, on my robe.  "Told you the robe was a good touch.    Looks even better covered by blood."
"This was some pretty heavy shit tonight."
"Yea."   He is smoking a joint, hands it to me.  "You can't think about this anymore.  We got a lot of work to do.  We leave at oh three hundred.   Reports are coming in on three different places they are hiding out.  One in Canada has major oil executives... and, Cheney."
"I would love to interrogate that old fucking troll.  Have to watch his heart.  I'm on that one I take it..."
He nods yes.
We smoke the joint quietly as around us the soldiers have begun wandering off to do something else.  The camera man packs up and leaves.  Cliché as it sounds I hear the screams echoing thru the night, feel like there are still people alive under the dirt, digging thru the bodies toward the top... I know better.  They went over the top of the hole again and again with the bulldozers to make sure that did not happen.   I know this is going to be a memory that would come to me again and again.

I have a head full of them.  I have to keep busy at all times, take drugs, try to stop them from grabbing me, corpses from the past, and dragging me down into the muck of their dissolving flesh.  There are so many.  They started dying and being maimed in 07.   I found out much later.  I was kept too far from the action to know what happened, how tragic the martyrs died those nights, how forgotten history would try to make them, and how they did not then yet know the threat of whom they were dealing with.   The humans thought to deal with me like they would a human, but I have warred since the begin of time, and divine people had come to my aide all of my life, and prepared the nukes before they could strike.  Thank God, of course, I did, because the threat of being a nuclear power saved a lot of lives at first, while I could, before...

I know the heavens like no other creature on this planet.  I know God better than any creature on this planet is capable of because you have to be there to believe it... to know it... there are no words for the Love of God... no words to say this is the compensation of growing into a soul through flesh, just gratitude to have lived the moments of wonder you did... and love.  I have felt him and seen him.  I have heard his laughter.  He has not spoken to me in words but deed mostly...  an amazing array of signs that become scientifically impossible to explain.  I took no leap of faith.  RATHER God came as a hurricane, and ripped away my entire life, then left me to live in the center of the storm, surrounded all around by death and destruction.

Whenever I manifest there is violence.  The last word is usually spoken over a corpse, in the lives I have lived.  Mankind has only recently become civilized.  There were great civilizations surrounded by tribes that had never met another, and all reached to the skies to call out to God...  I appeased them again and again, after the creation of Eve.  There is the myth in the bible, and then there is the truth.  The Holy books retain a few of my words in Christianity and Judaism, though I am misquoted and used for the usual power trips, I make sure that a few of my messages to myself in the future remain... that is what religion is, for me, a way to remind myself of things I discovered in other lives, and wish to remind myself of in the future.  I read the bible and find my words here and there, and the wisdom of others at times.  Adam and Eve was written like all of the ancient texts by writers who wrote in metaphors, for people who knew that they were saying this is a parable about listening to God, and a lament for the innocence lost when our big brains separated us from the seemingly innocent animal world...  they looked so happy compared to the human ennui that came with our short, brutal, half starved lives.   I saw animals mating.  Yet I could not do such a thing to an animal.

I saw them love one another.  I wanted such a creature for myself, so I created Eve from part of myself, and she suffered for my decision, became conscious of death... and immortality...  we were born together into life after life, my pleasure.... she was very powerful, when I thought of her once I had a vision that she had incarnated this time into the very planet itself, to use her powers to protect the earth, to help heals its pain by taking it onto herself.  This is my vision of Adam and Eve, for what it is worth.

They blame Lucifer, the light bringer, the angel who woke people up to their nakedness, and brought shame and a yearning to be God like to humanity.  The creature who caused Cain to see Able as just a body easily murdered, sent to heaven, a better place.   Like he had seen his father do.  My knowledge that everyone goes to heaven eases my philosophical stance on paper, though hardly in my chest.  I cried for my dead son, and punished the other for his crime, so he would know that the flesh too is sacred, and spread that message about the earth.

Who is Satan?   I remember just after the brainwashing, in oh seven, seeing myself marching into hell and freeing all the souls there, telling them they were now redeemed, punished enough...  and how demons and Satan himself fell to their knees to weep.   But the son of Satan, who I also called Scott, Scott Satan...  killed his father for what was done to his mother in hell.   A sinner the one innocent in all of hell saw suffer.   The image brought memories of visiting and being visited by the son of Satan... of being a figure to let him know he was innocent, despite what God awful fate had befallen him.   The story was grosser yet... with Scott Satan destroy the soul of his mother the moment he was born, to stop her suffering.

Lucifer is blamed with making us THINK.   He could not have done so were he not part of God's plan...  the survival of fittest world he created on the earth, for every plant and animal... evolve with how to fight the battle for survival, or leave behind a bit of the best of the gene and be lost, evolved beyond....  Lucifer gave you a weapon in a war that was bound to be fought, as a species is taught that they live on in soul, whether they wish to believe so or not, and that their sins will exact a price there, though from a God who would sentence no creature to an eternity of pain -- a God of love who evolved souls thru the lesson of the SURVIVAL INSTINCT -- repel from Pain, FIRST PHYSICAL, THEN EMOTIONALLY....  I believe too much credit is given to the icon of the Bringer of LIGHT, the King of Hell --  in the earthly sense of King, which makes a mockery of wearing this life like 'a light cloak.'  

God gave people free will, but it hurts so we blame it on a snake in a Garden.  No this is just become a soul, or whatever it is... I SOMETIMES feel like planets are soul traps.  I remember being sucked down from space and being born, dreamt of it over and over in the crib...  I was so happy in space...  the vertigo of suddenly spinning down into the blue planet below fills my head even now.  The feeling of the fun being over...   in space I was just a wordless feeling of curiosity;  without any form at all...
Perhaps to escape these traps, all life must die...  maybe that is how souls are freed, the last conscious element, the immortal within us, to fly off again,  Maybe it takes the patience of many many lives before that happens.   I do not want to hurry the process along on mere speculation.   I hope I am wrong.  

I am sleeping in a bed tonight, after battle naps in the back of Jeeps and tents for weeks...  I carry along a small bag, mostly robes, underwear, socks, weed and pills...   I know the crutch is a crutch but what I am doing is in a way too much for me to allow myself to feel.  The self medication is either well rationalized or just what I need.  I set heavy limits on myself, actually, though I am fairly liberal on what those limits are.  We have cleared out the entire subdivision and put in soldiers.  I can stay nowhere more than three days, that is the rule.  I will get people nuked after what I have done, and I have to avoid that at all costs.  Plus they like seeing that I am not a myth, the guy who radioed out the information they needed to survive. 


They should have known we would go after their families, put them all on Hawaii or something...  though perhaps, like myself, they were not letting any large groups gather, because the enemy could then nuke them out of existence.   I wish I was one of those people who can think like other people.  I cannot.   I am not just another human, I am another species of being altogether, and the Son of God...  funny, writing son of God. 

On other planets they give God no sex, especially on the ones that have no such divisions, like mine.  They would not know what a Son is.  Some know me as a tangle of lights...  pure vibrations...  a song sung by God.  They would find the idea that God father one son ridiculous since God obviously made every son on the planet, and since he was the creator, everything was his off spring.  This too adds to my Son of God humility.   Which manifested in the Son of Man, before I knew who I was, as a sort of self-hatred, never being good enough, and then over compensating with false ego to make up for the short comings I knew about myself.

The deaths in the pit have sickened me, kept me from really falling asleep...  I seemed to be thinking about them all night, but from past experience I knew that I could think about something in my sleep and wake up and then sleep again and wake up, etc... still thinking about the same thought.  On such nights, which started years ago, Mary Ann had informed me I still snored for a few hours... whether I feel like I not slept in days, I guess I had, as she informed me.

In the back of my mind, as I give this sermon, update, are the people we buried tonight.   I can't help thinking of being one of them under the dirt, still alive, trying to breath in dirt, panicking, terrified, facing death right in it's agonizing face."

 whatever you are comfortable with calling the only force of words fighting for the rebels, and those who we live in their hearts, though they are too afraid to give up their normal lives... though many knew that invaders might do that for reasons as random as clearing a path for hidden soldiers to march....

 I know people smothered, that they died trying to breath in dirt...  knew our kind had been buried alive and much worse in the enemies displays,  showing people burned over fires and raped to death by crowds and worse were shown in the Isis propaganda film, put out by the CIA to scare the citizens into walking into death camps.

We have identified the weakest points in their defense,  we want to go on the offensive now.  I have had to give up on keeping everyone alive on the missions.  We are attacking from all sides, large facilities.  We have the called so called ISIS on the run where ever we have attacked, terrified of running into me.  The families of the elite would be flying off the continent, though we have the navy now, and they are taking down any planes trying to leave the USA, CANADA, OR MEXICO.   We are allied, along with Russia, China, and numerous US military commanders in all branches the service, though we hardly control all if any of them, we had been forced to work together, and would as long as we could.  My spies were already telling me enemies were lining up for the post revolution, planning on making themselves world wide leaders in the ten years Christ will take charge of the planet.  They do not believe him when he says he will dissolve the position and return sovereignty to all countries, though I will.

We are camped out in mountains of Kentucky.  A week before I had my first vision in eight years.     I feel God was telling me to use my powers now.....  the dreams showed me opening a portal in the earth and spewing lava and fire from my back, and endless lightening from my chest.  I experimented once with pulling lightening out of a blue sky, and almost panicked when the yellow streak came down in a crooked line...  I was on the train just idly wondering about this, after seemingly drawing lightening and storms in the past...  terrified that the lightening would hit the buildings around e, start a fire....  I stopped it.  Just as thoughtlessly as I started it....  a sign from God, and the convincing I needed to hold back on my powers.

Tonight that all changes.   I am going to call storms and lightening.  We have a two hundred mile buffer zone at the base of the mountains, a no man's land of sorts, between ourselves and the enemy.... heavily mined by both sides, though we have control, ultimately, because we drove them back because they were laying in wait for refugees trying to get to the west and taking them out.

I am hoping the two hundred miles will be far enough away from my soldiers that I do not damage them.  In my memories of using God's hand in times past, the tempests had proven impossible for me to control once I got started.  

I have only used this power once before, in Chicago, years before, when I thought they had murdered Mary Ann and the rage that filled me flooded the city and terrified them all as tens of thousands of lightening strikes slams down one after another all through the night.  I had never allowed myself such a rage since.  Tonight I would have to...  they have brought the bulk of their army into a mountain pass, heavy airs support, missile launchers...  tactical nukes... they were going to try to level the mountain, and flood into the valleys beyond, killing the tens of thousands we were had granted asylum.   I can touch the rage within me.  Feel how to allow the tendrils of lighting and hurricane winds barely held inside my skin can be let loose on the world...  I have felt the storm building for days, fed it myself with footage of enemy atrocities, the home movies of the elite living in their spa while their soldiers murdered the common folk, they might say.   

The enemy still cannot seem to understand that their underlings hate their guts.   They actually think the butlers and nannies and guards they treat like shit every day are loyal to anything more than a paycheck.   A group of the heads of the major private army, and delegates from the senate and congress and fake press were all gathered in the area,  and the government was going to broadcast their victory live.   This was the first time I had seen such confidence on the other side.  They could tell that I did not want to use any more nukes... maybe they thought I was out?   One thing was for sure, they had forgotten the Son of God was on the battlefield.  Tonight I would remind them, as the entire world watched their victory celebration turn into a funeral.

Our computer says there are over five hundred humans gathered in an arc around the soldiers who would be coming up the mountains after the missiles turned the pine forest into brown mud.  They are confident as hell.  A waiter on the scene gets through and tells us they are having champagne and congratulating themselves, even some of the generals.  I am tempted to barrage them with missiles though their defenses might be good enough to keep most of them alive.   Instead, I walk out of the tent, my entire camp knowing what I am going to do.   I brought the religious believers on this mission, they deserved to see a real miracle, not just the eyes...  I let them believe whatever they want, blood or lasers, though I shrug when they ask... say God works how he will...   I cannot let the tech be known, regardless.  We were very careful to make sure that no one who knew about the research was still breathing, taking it out to families just to be sure.   Tonight I would no longer be relying on the petty science of man.  Tonight The Son OF God would bring a reckoning that nothing before could compare -- not the site of nuclear power plants being blown into the ocean, encased in fiery clouds rolling with reds and oranges and yellows and brown that rise into mushroom clouds.

They part as I move thru camp.   I wave and act like I always do, interested and curious, happy to see them even if I have never seen them before.   I have mourned them all since before they lived in this flesh, have begun to notice the disciples and the higher angels, unbeknownst to them, were beginning to gather around me, as if by accident, with the slow, patient work of God.   They are yelling out that they have my SIX, and want to follow me down the mountain.   Only James looks actually worried.  The rest are in a religious fervor.  To be martyred with the Christ.  I envy them the feeling, the utter confidence in leadership.   I better than any know my Father's whims, how at any second he could surprise me with death and another life amidst the decaying earth.   I doubted it though...  this feels more and more like my last trip, the life that establishes peace and allows me to carry on, seeking the pain that brings me anguish in the knowing I could help.  The next species crying out the age old questions;  the next souls ready to be harvested, the mercy kill before the meteor turns all life in a slowly dying, living hell.

I get past the men and take off on a run, leaping over the coils of barbed wire making up our last defense.    I have the mine field memorized, step over them, as much as possible, without breaking my stride.   The sky was blue when I stood at the top of the mountain, now seemingly from pinpricks in the sky dark gray clouds begin to appear....behind me I hear cheering from my soldiers...  I use the computerized hearing to zone in on the enemy camp and already am picking up RETREAT in several languages.   As I listen three men are shot for trying, and the rest, disgruntled and terrified and literally pissing themselves, take up their positions behind the barriers of sand bags reinforced with slats of metal.  

I look up into their cameras as I usually do;  instead of taking them out with my blood red eyes... this time I just point to sky, then make the motion of my finger slashing across my throat, and point into the camera...   I want them to see this. We are hacked in and broadcasting now from various angles directly over the governments networks in a way that superimposes our images over their newscasters, making them ghostly, silent apparitions behind my attack...  I can feel every molecule on the planet, from myself outward... know I could manipulate them all, turn the earth and the entire universe and more than numbers can count into nothing.   This is the magic I avoid, why the eyes were the better option.... the storm is pulling at my chest, taking power from the sky, bursts of lightening come down from miles around, striking the spot where  I stand with my arms out stretched, then begin streaming through my chest into the enemy camp.  I turn to my right, to my left, aiming miles of death and destruction.  Explosions from missile silos and ammo dumps and gas pumps begin going off, the blossoms of fire blown away by the flow of lightening, the streaming, crackling white and yellow that I river of destruction that I  know  I could let loose and... the fire begins to grow beneath me, the earth begging to be called, like the sky, to finally let loose... to explode across the surface and take out all life.  I feel Eve's incarnation into the planet, her soul being torn apart and reshaped as flows from me and the fire beckons, the two promising me endless power, the euphoria that filled the vision ... the seduction of the moment, as  I feared, becomes too much for me and I ask my Father to give me longer, even as I want to feel the great power flowing more than anything else I will ever want on this planet, the final release of all the souls who deserve a heaven...   The flow of lightening stops...

Explosions are suddenly audible all through the enemies territory... between them my heightened hearing brings up the sound of screaming, retching, gasping tears.   I stop at a small flag, where we have buried a motorcycle, pull it out, remove the plastic around it, and continue down the mountain, working my west south west until I hit a trail...   I can see nothing other than red fire under blue sky from horizon to horizon.   I hear on the radio that the destruction goes back seven point three miles, has taken out two small towns, eighteen farms...  and the entire enemy force, artillery included.  There are rumors, confirmed a few hours later, that Airforce One was among the wreckage.  That they had brought the president showed they had lost all belief in the mystical aspects of our war.  Never would they forget again after tonight....  When I can begin to feel the heat I stop...  watching the mesmerizing flames.
"Hey, Scott... listen to this shit," James tell me over the com.  
I hear a cornucopia of conversations talking about how I had picked up a mountain and brought it down upon them, that I had brought lightening from the sky and fire from the earth -- a sign they knew from my vision, that I considered the end.
"Get a broadcast out that I merely brought lightening from the storm, and that I have not yet used my powers over the earth.  Gotta give em' some kind of phantom to keep them up at night."
"Makes sense to me."

Our soldiers are coming down from the mountains, beginning to dig ditches to stop the fire, setting up helicopters and planes with water dumps. Nothing was going to work, I was told, except contining the fire and letting it burn out.  We did not want to tell the public this, especially those who still had faily in the area.
The films caused an immediate world wide reaction.  The UN called an emergency meeting and once more clarified that they was a ban on weather control.  A two fold method, one to pretend that I had no powers and the other to declare me a war criminal.   I responded by having a camera pointed at me, the walls of fire behind me, dressed in the beige robe now stained with dirt and ash, "The UN knows I did not use weather control.    I used God, and this fears them the most.  They do not want there to be a God, because I am designing hells especially for my enemies.   I am not as cruel as a human, and will not send them for an eternity, though at times this it will surely feel like.  Tonight I brought the mysticism to the scientists...  now you have both seen the sides of this war that I will bring to bear on you if this continues.   I do not wish to harm anymore of you.   I do not want to see more trees set on fire like this...  you must leave the continent.  You must pay the taxes you have cheated the world out of before you can return, or we will chase your stolen wealth all across this planet, and nowhere... NOWHERE... will you be able to lay your head without wondering if my sword will come down silently in the night...  the last sounds in your dying ears your own screams."

We have news that the congressional and senatorial left overs have turned themselves over to our soldiers, making for almost a third of the original government our hostages.  Most of them were quick to recognize they were now on the sane side.  I was leaving them with ten million, which would be a fortune when this was over, though I would be giving millions to all who fought with me in the end... I did not want to corner the billionaires with threat of poverty and death.  I just wanted them out of my way, and living higher than most but not enough to provide a few thousand starvations a year.    Some of them were grateful to us, after seeing how psychopathic their leadership was becoming.   There were times we could not stop their slaves from killing them, and we did not try very hard.   The elite were worse than any of us suspected, having kept sexual slaves of all ages for decades, every perversion possible brought into their bored lives and used for the cheap thrill.

One mansion we captured was guarded by a state of the art robotic system, laying down a cross fire through five acres of barren ground all around the estate, over two hundred soldiers...   As was increasingly happening, the merc's protecting the old pervert  grabbed a few women and valuables and retreated.   We caught him lounging by the pool, getting a blow job from a girl who looked about fourteen...  He thought we were more of his guards, "What the hell are you bastards doing back here?   I told you to stay out of my sight.   Get the fucking colonel over her.   I want both your.."  he stops to smack the girl on the head, "I tell you to stop, bitch."
I let loose a blast of red laser that explodes his floating, queen sized mattress...  two life guards dive in and drag hi to the side of the pool.   The girl who was blowing him swims to the side slowly, stoned out of her mind...  I am wondering if she is going to make it but everyone else is ignoring her.  The big guy walks over to a lounge chair, starts to pick up m-16 that I explode...   he looks like he is going to have a heart attack as the staff start yelling, excitedly, "He's here... It is fucking him."   There are young children chained to posts, looking drugged and vacant, mostly... a few terrified.   They keep looking at the fat man like he can still harm them.

"You know why  I am here.  Tell me where you keep your gold and silver and you can keep your left arm."
"What the...."
As I begin slicing thru his arm he jerks up, splitting his forearm and his hands and fingers...   Then for the hell of it I cut off his dicks and balls.... screaming he starts backing up, into one of the waiters, a tall black guy with a shaved head, who pushes our target forward so he falls on his face, his genitals  falling from his trunks, and laying on the concrete behind him as he bawls like a baby...  I cut through his head diagonally, leaving an eye in each side of his head.

Three people we know to his grown children, and another eight they have as spouses, now that the elite had dropped all presumptions of Machiavellian ethics, are trying to back into the house.   My soldiers have already entered thru the front.  We take them easily...   James gets on the microphone and asks the crowd, "Did they rape any of you?"
There is silence for a few minutes, then one after another, men, women, children....  cry and point from the fat man to his various children.   I shake my head no in disgust.   I wanted the blood to end with that one man today...

I motion for Jim to give a sixteen year old or so who is crying and pointing at the men and women as his rapists.   The kid looks at the gun, then  James, then me.   I motion at them.  Nod my head yes.

James and the other soldiers on the ground, knock the crying hostages to their knees...  one tries to run, a woman, and gets a gun but in the head that knocks her out.  None of them seem concerned for one another, just beg for themselves.   "Fire,"  I yell out.

The soldiers back away and the kid opens up on them, screaming in fury... a cry that the other slaves take up for a few seconds, until the dead are mangled and inhumane.   He has fired over and over into their faces and crotches.   I will explain on the radio that night that we would not tolerate slavery any longer, and all captives keeping slaves, instead of employees, would face summary execution, unless the slaves were freed that very second.   From our reports that trickled in over the next few days, the elite were too afraid their slaves would attack them with overseer's...  I hope they were right.


I am now responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths.  Though I have not before stooped to the level of my enemy, putting out snuff films to scare them.    I know they will find out just how disposable they are to their families when confronted with my demands.   I expect to have to kill two hundred and twenty nine people on this night.  Before the entire world.  Become a Lucifer to my enemy.  A Christ to those in need of aide.  And right now they needed their lives saved.  The world knew of the genocide going on in the US, as it had in the middle east before...  the threat of nukes kept anyone from overtly interfering, and the USA kept saying they had things in hand, smiling on the news reports, and the unaffected cities went on oblivious... or had.  They all knew now.  Our broadcasts, my preaching.  Now I had to show them how we could fight this, with sheer numbers, Instead of the grotesque displays of nuclear annihilation I had used to announce myself to the world, as the number one threat to the oligarchy on the planet.  The blood red line in the sand, led by a creature that could kill with blood from his eyes.

The spa was in the Northern Michigan,  surrounded by dense forest, and covered with camouflage netting, hard to find from the air, invisible from the small road that passed, all the signs gone.  We heard from a woman who had escaped with the intel.  I never let anyone die on missions I was on.  I used the lasers on the cameras in the woods on our approach, made sure whoever was watching knew what they were dealing with.  By the time we reached the encampment the guards were taking their trucks off thru the woods.  We encountered three out on point who had evidently not got the message that they were retreating and leaving the civilians behind...  I put them down with a quick burst thru the brain, as painlessly as possible.  I told myself then as I tell myself now... all souls go to heaven.  Most go to a better place, and those who need a hell get one for a bit, before being forgiven and welcomed back into the fold...  nothing helps except the pills I use to numb myself out, the pot that helps me at times be in the present, instead of exploring the past...  the pain there is like a magnet for my thoughts.

I had been in the war for eight years, fought my way up from certain defeat to the leader of vast armies, lost them and raised them again.  The war goes on, and the only way I can lose, as  I told my enemy long ago, was to die -- because  I would consider the mayhem sit up for that event to be a personal failure on my part, and the blood senselessly on my hands.   AS LONG AS I AM ALIVE I WIN.  I yelled it at them, when they thought I was losing in the shadow war, and taunted me by asking how I could walk around with my chest puffed out after what had happened.  I had no idea of everything that happened, clear as it all is now...  I had been written off as dead before I finally discovered what the various sides believed, and chose for myself which ones  I would take, rather than having been chosen by them.

They drafted me into their war, could not wait to have an angel on their side, to display before the world and bring the faithful back to the church and establish a one world government, to most easily correct the problems in the world without red tape.   I did not agree with their methodology and sabotaged them when I discovered as much.  Then I went about raising my own soldiers, with the help of China and Russia, who began fighting ISIS in Syria, the co olition of the west, with the USA, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey..  a mess of nuclear powers all reluctant to be the one to press that red button first, because no one could predict what would happen after that, and the chance of no existing afterwards as a government was too high.  Of course I used nukes right from the start, to let them know there was a new force on the block.  Who was not only not afraid of nukes, was not afraid of destroying the great lakes by setting one off next to a Nuclear power plant.  This is a world wide war and I would be an idiot to think great parts of it will not be uninhabited in this conflict.

Tonight I would try classic ISIS terrorism against the Elite. 

I have to remind this world who they are dealing with,  a force they could not sway with words or money.
That is what you do, present your enemy with a problem, one they cannot solve except by going along with your agenda.  Now we will see how easily the sacrifice their families, as the families of the others shall see.  We expect a flood of the elite to come to our side  with new intelligence, soldiers, weapons, supplies. . .  I offer them an easy way out, let them remain wealthy, though our tax takes the billionaires to millionaires, who I leave with five.  More than most dream of.  I do not want to lose soldiers fighting them.  I do not want to waste resources on them, either.  Rather focus my efforts on the hold outs, the harder targets.  

I am in a suburban house, standing in front of  a white sheet tacked to the wall behind me, looking into the lens of the camera, preparing to have them pan across the faces of key hostages, then kill a mystery relative on camera during my sermon.   We lost eighteen people getting into their compound, and would usually have taken that many lives, the rules of engagement that allow my soldiers to get a bit of payback for the friends and families and nation our enemy was slaughtering city by city, town by town.

ISIS had been showing films for years of cutting off peoples heads, usually after having them make fake statements against their country, religion, whoever the target audience needed.   A sickeningly slow, painful death.   The Government creates problems to scare people into wanting to go along with them, to snuggle closer to the warm tit, the milk spewing teat. 

I do not want to do this to the crying people standing out in a field, heads covered in black masks, hands cuffed behind their backs.   A camera is on them.  They sit a tv up on a table behind me to my right.  We are broadcasting this live because I am once more upping the anti, and expecting a flood of religious and just otherwise interested in surviving to make a run for our camp, and the mountains, where we have now driven them almost two hundred miles back with constant missile bombardments that made anything less than nukes ineffective against us...   they knew if they bombed us we would nuke them without hesitation, and if they hit my quarters in the dunes, all bets would be off, and I would end the worlds breathable atmosphere for a couple hundred years, at least... forever by some projections.

We are going live in five minutes.  James is in the corner, the bloody fighter...  two tours in Afghanistan, living out in the villages with the locals, recruiting cops, who were being killed, along with their families for joining up.  The Taliban will pay fifteen thousand to anyone who kills him, a princely sum.  Save a family from the hardships of war.  Get them out of the country, even.  Win them the favor of the Taliban, protecting them at least from one side.  He has been staying at my side.  When I have gone myself into enemy territory, there was always a firefight...  I was always glad to have him there, commanding the men, ready to do anything it took.  He also fought with the courage of knowing I had let no one die on these missions, using the blood from my eyes to protect them always.   I could not guarantee such protection to the others who were going in for relatives, or just to save strangers, and they were dying in great numbers.   Not quite a suicide mission, though few went out twice.

The camera is turned on and the live feed begins spewing my image and voice into minds all across the planet, my enemies recording everything and making notes on their laptops, my allies hoping for good news, another peace treaty, an end to conflict.  The Elite knew something different would happen tonight,   we had their family members torn out of their camps.  "Three days ago, we captured over two  hundred family members of the Elite.  They have been killing our families, while they hid out from the war, as always.   Now that we have enflamed the planet and they can hide nowhere, they are trying to hide right out in the open.  We have these people, men, women and children of all ages, and we are going to sacrifice them to the god of War.... you know why?   Because the heads of industry will sacrifice them as collateral damage and continue on with their strategy.   Their immediate family will want to negotiate with us, like the peace around the Dunes.... and the mountains, which we had to break, to give our people easier access to the sanctuaries we have provided all during this conflict.  When we could, where we can...  Tonight we are going to give you an example of what we are going to do when the Elite write these people off, so they know, and the other families know, how little your life matters to the people behind a genocide.  A lot of you who think there is a place for you in you weak new world, are not on the list to live.  Do you think they are going to lose their disdain for soldiers when this ends?   They send you out to die, for them, while they stay far from the conflict.

"You are dead, the second they no longer need you.  They will tell you this is propaganda meant to destroy your will to fight.   In a way it is.  Mostly, this is just the truth, and in this day and age, belief means more than truth... so do as you will.   We have chosen one family randomly.  They die now. "    James pushes a hooded figure to their knees in frnt of me.   I looked down at them and release the red lasers...  moving my head slightly to cut off the head and a shoulder, then continue slicing until there is just a pile of bone and meat and brain floating in blood.  The camera switches to another location, where we have dug a large pit, and a group of are tied together with blacks sacks over their heads, standing on top of the dirt dug out and rising into a hill, in front of a bulldozer that starts moving toward them, picking up speed for three seconds then hitting the crowd, knocking them down, crushing some.   The screams are full throat, make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and tingles run through my body.  Once they are in the hole, the bulldozer begins covering them in dirt.

"When I kill one of your families, all of them go.  I am not going to waste bullets, or give them an easy death.  The display of their dying will become more and more Dark Ages with each broadcast.  You know my terms, get your mercenaries off my continent.  You do not get the United States of America, or any other country that comes under my flag.   You have been stopped.  My tactics have spread all over the world.  The mushrooms will sprout all across the globe, then break up into bits of radiation and sweep into each and every one of you.  If you force our hand.  This is a nuclear THREAT you are dealing with.  Not a cold war.  You will only lose by escalation, because if we play chicken, your car is crashing into us head on, or you are pulling off the side of the road to live.   Those who are with us should know this tactic should be repeated all over this fucking planet.   Now, we make all this business personal to these cold bastards.  May our soldiers be safe, and their soldiers be hunted, on this fine night."

I have been smelling shit from the corpse while I talked, which I was trying to forget as much as possible as I talked.  This was just someone who happened to be born into a family with wealth, who had no idea their kind had been plotting for hundreds of years;  at some point their innocence died, they were told that their lifestyle came at a certain price, getting rid of the undesirables.

They should have known we would go after their families, put them all on Hawaii or something...  though perhaps, like myself, they were not letting any large groups gather, because the enemy could then nuke them out of existence.   I wish I was one of those people who can think like other people.  I cannot.   I am not just another human, I am another species of being altogether, and the Son of God...  funny, writing son of God.   On other planets they give God no sex, especially on the ones that have no such divisions, like mine.  They would not know what a Son is.  Some know me as a tangle of lights...  pure vibrations...  a song sung by God.  They would find the idea that God father one son ridiculous since God obviously made every son on the planet, and since he was the creator, everything was his off spring.  This too adds to my Son of God humility.   Which manifested in the Son of Man, before I knew who I was, as a sort of self-hatred, never being good enough, and then over compensating with false ego to make up for the short comings I knew about myself.

The deaths in the pit have sickened me.  I know the people smothered, that they died, that they were not buried alive...  knew our kind had been buried alive and much worse in their displays, burned over fires and worse were shown in the Isis propaganda film, put out by the CIA to scare the citizens into walking into death camps.

We have identified the weakest points in our defense, offense positions we wish to attack.  I have had to give up on keeping everyone alive on the missions.  We are attacking from all sides, large facilities.  We have the so called ISIS on the run where ever we have attacked, terrified of running into me.  The families of the elite would be flying off the continent, though we have the navy now, and they are taking down any planes trying to leave the USA, CANADA, OR MEXICO.   We are allied, along with Russia, China, and numerous US military commanders in all branches the service, though we hardly control all of any of them.

Tonight, I am in Kentucky, and for the first time I have a had a vision, since 07 when this started...  I am going to use my powers to call storms and lightening.  We have a two hundred mile buffer zone, a no man's land of sorts, between ourselves and the enemy.... heavily mined by both sides, though we have control, ultimately, because we drove them back because they were laying in wait for refugees trying to get to the west and taking them out.

I am hoping the two hundred miles will be far enough away from my soldiers that I do not damage them.  In my memories of using God's hand in times past, the tempests had proven impossible for me to control once I got started.  

I have only used this power once before, in Chicago, years before, when I thought they had murdered Mary Ann and the rage that filled me flooded the city and terrified them all as tens of thousands of lightening strikes slams down one after another all through the night.  I had never allowed myself such a rage since.  Tonight I would have to...  they have brought the bulk of their army into a mountain pass, heavy airs support, missile launchers...  tactical nukes... they were going to try to level the mountain, and flood into the valleys beyond, killing the tens of thousands we were had granted asylum.   I can touch the rage within me.  Feel how to allow the tendrils of lighting and hurricane winds barely held inside my skin can be let loose on the world...  I have felt the storm building for days, fed it myself with footage of enemy atrocities, the home movies of the elite living in their spa while their soldiers murdered the common folk, they might say.   

The enemy still cannot seem to understand that their underlings hate their guts.   They actually think the butlers and nannies and guards they treat like shit every day are loyal to anything more than a paycheck.   A group of the heads of the major private army, and delegates from the senate and congress and fake press were all gathered in the area,  and the government was going to broadcast their victory live.   This was the first time I had seen such confidence on the other side.  They could tell that I did not want to use any more nukes... maybe they thought I was out?   One thing was for sure, they had forgotten the Son of God was on the battlefield.  Tonight I would remind them, as the entire world watched their victory celebration turn into a funeral.

Our computer says there are over five hundred humans gathered in an arc around the soldiers who would be coming up the mountains after the missiles turned the pine forest into brown mud.  They are confident as hell.  A waiter on the scene gets through and tells us they are having champagne and congratulating themselves, even some of the generals.  I am tempted to barrage them with missiles though their defenses might be good enough to keep most of them alive.   Instead, I walk out of the tent, my entire camp knowing what I am going to do.   I brought the religious believers on this mission, they deserved to see a real miracle, not just the eyes...  I let them believe whatever they want, blood or lasers, though I shrug when they ask... say God works how he will...   I cannot let the tech be known, regardless.  We were very careful to make sure that no one who knew about the research was still breathing, taking it out to families just to be sure.   Tonight I would no longer be relying on the petty science of man.  Tonight God and Nature and The Son OF God would bring a reckoning that nothing before could compare -- not the site of nuclear power plants being blown into the ocean, encased in fiery clouds rolling with reds and oranges and yellows and brown that rise into mushroom clouds.

They part as I move thru camp.   I wave and act like I always do, interested and curious, happy to see them even if I have never seen them before.   I have mourned them all since before they lived in this flesh, have begun to notice the disciples and the higher angels, unbeknownst to them, were beginning to gather around me, as if by accident, with the slow, patient work of God.   They are yelling out that they have my SIX, and want to follow me down the mountain.   Only James looks actually worried.  The rest are in a religious fervor.  To be martyred with the Christ.  I envy them the feeling, the utter confidence in leadership.   I better than any know my Father's whims, how at any second he could surprise me with death and another life amidst the decaying earth.   I doubted it though...  this feels more and more like my last trip, the life that establishes peace and allows me to carry on, seeking the pain that brings me anguish in the knowing I could help.  The next species crying out the age old questions;  the next souls ready to be harvested, the mercy kill before the meteor turns all life in a slowly dying, living hell.

I get past the men and take off on a run, leaping over the coils of barbed wire making up our last defense.    I have the mine field memorized, step over them, as much as possible, without breaking my stride.   The sky was blue when I stood at the top of the mountain, now seemingly from pinpricks in the sky dark gray clouds begin to appear....behind me I hear cheering from my soldiers...  I use the computerized hearing to zone in on the enemy camp and already am picking up RETREAT in several languages.   As I listen three men are shot for trying, and the rest, disgruntled and terrified and literally pissing themselves, take up their positions behind the barriers of sand bags reinforced with slats of metal.  

I look up into their cameras as I usually do, taking them out with my blood red eyes... this time I just point to sky, then make the motion of my finger slashing across my throat, and point into the camera...   I want them to see this. We are hacked in and broadcasting now from various angles, broadcasting directly over the governments networks in a way that make them ghostly, silent apparitions behind my attack...  I can feel every molecule on the planet, from myself outward... know I could manipulate them all, turn the earth and the entire universe and more than numbers can count into nothing.   This is the magic I avoid, why the eyes were the better option.... the storm is pulling at my chest, taking power from the sky, bursts of lightening come down from miles around, striking the spot where  I stand with my arms out stretched, then begin streaming through my chest into the enemy camp.  I turn to my right, to my left, aiming miles of death and destruction.  Explosions from missile silos and ammo dumps and gas pumps begin going off, the blossoms of fire blown away by the flow of lightening, the steaming white and yellow that I know  I could let loose and... the fire begins to grow beneath me, the earth begging to be called, like the sky, to finally let loose... to explode across the surface and take out all life.  I feel Eve's incarnation into the planet, her soul being torn apart and reshaped as the lava and lightening begin to flow from me... the seduction of the moment, as  I feared, becomes too much for me and I ask my Father to give me longer, even as I want to feel the great power flowing more than anything else I will ever want on this planet, the final release of all the souls who deserve a heaven...   The flow of lightening stops...

Explosions are suddenly audible all through the enemies territory... between them my heightened hearing brings up the sound of screaming, retching, gasping tears.   I stop at a small flag, where we have buried a motorcycle, pull it out, remove the plastic around it, and continue down the mountain, working my west south west until I hit a trail...   I can see nothing other than red fire under blue sky from horizon to horizon.   I hear on the radio that the destruction goes back seven point three miles, has taken out two small towns, eighteen farms...  and the entire enemy force, artillery included.  There are rumors, confirmed a few hours later, that Airforce One was among the wreckage.  That they had brought the president showed they had lost all belief in the mystical aspects of our war.  Never would they forget again after tonight....  When I can begin to feel the heat I stop...  watching the mesmerizing flames.
"Hey, Scott... listen to this shit," James tell me over the com.  
I hear a cornucopia of conversations talking about how I had picked up a mountain and brought it down upon them, that I had brought lightening from the sky and fire from the earth -- a sign they knew from my vision, that I considered the end.
"Get a broadcast out that I merely brought lightening from the storm, and that I have not yet used my powers over the earth.  Gotta give em' some kind of phantom to keep them up at night."
"Makes sense to me."

Our soldiers are coming down from the mountains, beginning to dig ditches to stop the fire, setting up helicopters and planes with water dumps. Nothing was going to work, I was told, except contining the fire and letting it burn out.  We did not want to tell the public this, especially those who still had faily in the area.
The films caused an immediate world wide reaction.  The UN called an emergency meeting and once more clarified that they was a ban on weather control.  A two fold method, one to pretend that I had no powers and the other to declare me a war criminal.   I responded by having a camera pointed at me, the walls of fire behind me, dressed in the beige robe now stained with dirt and ash, "The UN knows I did not use weather control.    I used God, and this fears them the most.  They do not want there to be a God, because I am designing hells especially for my enemies.   I am not as cruel as a human, and will not send them for an eternity, though at times this it will surely feel like.  Tonight I brought the mysticism to the scientists...  now you have both seen the sides of this war that I will bring to bear on you if this continues.   I do not wish to harm anymore of you.   I do not want to see more trees set on fire like this...  you must leave the continent.  You must pay the taxes you have cheated the world out of before you can return, or we will chase your stolen wealth all across this planet, and nowhere... NOWHERE... will you be able to lay your head without wondering if my sword will come down silently in the night...  the last sounds in your dying ears your own screams."

We have news that the congressional and senatorial left overs have turned themselves over to our soldiers, making for almost a third of the original government our hostages.  Most of them were quick to recognize they were now on the sane side.  I was leaving them with ten million, which would be a fortune when this was over, though I would be giving millions to all who fought with me in the end... I did not want to corner the billionaires with threat of poverty and death.  I just wanted them out of my way, and living higher than most but not enough to provide a few thousand starvations a year.    Some of them were grateful to us, after seeing how psychopathic their leadership was becoming.   There were times we could not stop their slaves from killing them, and we did not try very hard.   The elite were worse than any of us suspected, having kept sexual slaves of all ages for decades, every perversion possible brought into their bored lives and used for the cheap thrill.

One mansion we captured was guarded by a state of the art robotic system, laying down a cross fire through five acres of barren ground all around the estate, over two hundred soldiers...   As was increasingly happening, the merc's protecting the old pervert  grabbed a few women and valuables and retreated.   We caught him lounging by the pool, getting a blow job from a girl who looked about fourteen...  He thought we were more of his guards, "What the hell are you bastards doing back here?   I told you to stay out of my sight.   Get the fucking colonel over her.   I want both your.."  he stops to smack the girl on the head, "I tell you to stop, bitch."
I let loose a blast of red laser that explodes his floating, queen sized mattress...  two life guards dive in and drag hi to the side of the pool.   The girl who was blowing him swims to the side slowly, stoned out of her mind...  I am wondering if she is going to make it but everyone else is ignoring her.  The big guy walks over to a lounge chair, starts to pick up m-16 that I explode...   he looks like he is going to have a heart attack as the staff start yelling, excitedly, "He's here... It is fucking him."   There are young children chained to posts, looking drugged and vacant, mostly... a few terrified.   They keep looking at the fat man like he can still harm them.

"You know why  I am here.  Tell me where you keep your gold and silver and you can keep your left arm."
"What the...."
As I begin slicing thru his arm he jerks up, splitting his forearm and his hands and fingers...   Then for the hell of it I cut off his dicks and balls.... screaming he starts backing up, into one of the waiters, a tall black guy with a shaved head, who pushes our target forward so he falls on his face, his genitals  falling from his trunks, and laying on the concrete behind him as he bawls like a baby...  I cut through his head diagonally, leaving an eye in each side of his head.

Three people we know to his grown children, and another eight they have as spouses, now that the elite had dropped all presumptions of Machiavellian ethics, are trying to back into the house.   My soldiers have already entered thru the front.  We take them easily...   James gets on the microphone and asks the crowd, "Did they rape any of you?"
There is silence for a few minutes, then one after another, men, women, children....  cry and point from the fat man to his various children.   I shake my head no in disgust.   I wanted the blood to end with that one man today...

I motion for Jim to give a sixteen year old or so who is crying and pointing at the men and women as his rapists.   The kid looks at the gun, then  James, then me.   I motion at them.  Nod my head yes.

James and the other soldiers on the ground, knock the crying hostages to their knees...  one tries to run, a woman, and gets a gun but in the head that knocks her out.  None of them seem concerned for one another, just beg for themselves.   "Fire,"  I yell out.

The soldiers back away and the kid opens up on them, screaming in fury... a cry that the other slaves take up for a few seconds, until the dead are mangled and inhumane.   He has fired over and over into their faces and crotches.   I will explain on the radio that night that we would not tolerate slavery any longer, and all captives keeping slaves, instead of employees, would face summary execution, unless the slaves were freed that very second.   From our reports that trickled in over the next few days, the elite were too afraid their slaves would attack them with overseer's...  I hope they were right.


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