I took out the lasers from this on line novel...

For most of humynkinds history I have led slave revolts, started religions, or steered them, was an acolyte to your holy men.appearing at times as an Angel, a burning bush.... I am not an angel. Angels can fall. I cannot fall. I earned my position by being the first creature in all of the cosmos to say No to God. My kind collects souls from destroyed planets... entrophy says they all go. He would send those from my planet to give creatures a mercy death, though this was not explained to me... we followed orders out of love of God, our Father -- so to speak, He has no sex, I merely follow your traditions.

---- this is a novel in progress, which also is trying to teach how to write a book. I hope to get these two texts from this vlog. I am a well read and published author from way back with lots of education and experience, though I have never tried to do this before... as such, I took out a major plot device.. the lasers.... you will understand as the story unfolds......

I learned to love the creatures of the planet he sent me to that time, and how He laughed at me, How he seemed to love me ever more. His creation had taken on a life of his own and created Free Will. He allowed me then a variation on our ways, told me that he would send me to the very beginnings of the lives on the planet, that I could attempt to give them ten thousand years of peace before their end. I am the greatest mass murderer in the history of time. I will in the end destroy all that lives on this planet. The Father will decide if I have succeeded or not in steering the species to life or death.Our Father is pure love, and entity I have witnessed in a dream/vision, vast and timeless and immobile.

When a soul has their final death, and nothing is left on the planet's surface to draw the entity back into the cycles of living and learning, they gravitate toward God from every planet, dimension, time... I AM a different being, The Chosen One -- cursed I think at times... chosen for a mission that I would never ask of another. Instead of going back to God, where I began my existence, I instead feel the pull of the pain of other life forms, other planets that are like this earth, struggling with the suffering of the cycle of life.

Now I AM the Son of Man, living among you since before life began here... a creature who is lless than the Father who created us -- I use Father as your term, in reality you would no more apply a sex to GOD than you would a boulder. This is the tale of your planet, from the beginning to the now, as well as a prophesy of your possible futures... Your bibles have some truth, and one is that even the son does not know when the Father will bring on what some of you refer to the rapture, and others death by the greenhouse effect, others nuclear war, others the simple passage of time that eventually destroys all that is created... I am here to answer the prayers that began when your mind first was able to understand death... when you first began to spin myths to answer the questions that are not yours to know except in the most childish of manners... WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? I appear in each generation, awakening only after I have learned the ways of a time enough to fullfill my mission. They vary from situation to situation, fire to fire I trudge, bringing my soul into the worst of situations, to rekindle the FREE WILL that humyns have been granted; the only species on the planet that is not completly bound by ther genetic imperatives -- though they are much more than they realize. In one life I am leading a slave revolt; another teaching priests a new slant on religion; another an ancient warrior covered in bear skin barely keeping his tribe alive in desperate times... and now, a warrior in a shadow war fought behind the scenes of the media, between intelligence agencies, undergroud groups, the deeper levels of the Churches, the Masons, the oligarchies, the east and the west... as I try to prepare the souls on earth to choose between ten thousand years of peace, or the haunting visions of endless lightening flowing from my chest, and endless fire from my back, great streams of destruction encircling the planet and consuming the earth... What sounds like a horror will be, should the father decide your ability to solve your problems is hopeless, a mercy killing before the planet plunges into pure chaos, as the damaged atmosphere begins to destroy their crops, flood the coasts, sending cannabilistic refugees across the planet... and bringing a hell on earth God will not allow. My mission is to stop the wealthy from destroying the planet by living lives of luxury while most of the planet is plunged into poverty by their excesses. Already I have been recognized by presidents, popes, the leaders of all countries and churches... and also hidden, as best the intelligence agencies can, after they tried to use me, when I was still waking up... I tried to warn them that while I am forgiving, my Father watches what is done to His son, and exacts horrible revenge...

This book I am drafting will confuse some of you, as I write for those who are involved in the secret world they keep from the masses, though I will try to avoid this... there is cognitive dissonance in all minds, that will attempt to tell you what I write is all fiction, but my oath to you is that I will tell all I can about the ways of man that I learned when the elite attempted to make me create a world wide religion, leading to a one world government, and the carnage that has been left in my wake.... I cannot tell everything, so I use fiction where I must, and other incidents I must leave out entirely, because my writing has resulted in unintended death all across this planet. I am the most dangerous creation God has ever created. I am also the most forgiving.

I OFFER REDEMPTION AND FORGIVENESS for every soul that truly will change their ways.... others I have a special hell for, a place where they pay penance, and learn how much I despise the lifestyle they have just lived. Thank you for reading my words. Know that though I was greatly disturbed when I awoke in these times from my innocence, and this writing should be greatly disturbing to you, that God is love, and in the end, every soul will experience the absolute ecstasy of dwelling in the Golden Light of God's Overwhelming Love forever.

There are compiled entries where you can now read the story up to this point. This is first draft, where I write everything down at first, even though if some of it clashes with other parts... then later decide which way to go. I go back over these compiled chapters again and again, working on them to perfect them, and then working on what is to come, which is the roughest prose. All throughout the book there is more telling so far than showing, because a lot has to be told to bring the reader up to speed, on a war that has been going on for eight years, and has finally come to a head as the elite decide to genocide seven billion and the protagonist begins nuking .... well, let that be a surprise. There are two things going on here, the teaching of how to write a book, and a book... which will become clear if you read the blog. I HAVE MADE A MAJOR CHANGE SINCE DRAFTING THIS BOOK. I AM REMOVING THE USE OF LASERS. PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND IF YOU ARE READING THIS DRAFT FROM THE BEGINNING. I hope the chapters stand alone, in a way, from the over all text and can be read as a short story. The poet in me wants each line to sound as if their is a sonnet birthing... But anyways, the chapters I have now are being pared down, to where about five of them are kept, and the remaining chapters, which grow organically from all the ideas in the draft, are set in stone. You are supposed to let the novel lead you, according to John Gardner, and while I love his books, I think he could have plotted better. I aspire at least to be the student who surpasses the teacher, who added to the science of literature his contribution.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Confessions You Will Never Hear... EDITED VERSION

I am thinking back to the time before this war, back when I had to hide certain secrets, while writing about this on facebook, and drafting this book...   I am adding a passage to the book much later in the time than when I wrote this passage.  Now, I have lived through what happens between writing these words and the life we live now.  The war has finally almost ended, though if there will be a winner or two losers in this conflict has yet to be resolved.

Back then I believed I had to keep a lot of secrets, those that would get people killed.   I was not about to have someone lose their life over my thinking exposing some secret was going to make a difference in this world ==  If I thought it did, like my being asked to join in the massacre of seven billion humans, I will NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT PLANS TO GENOCIDE UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED OR INSTIGATED.   THIS IS A SERIOUS WAR TO ME.

That was how I wrote at the time.  I had learned by then that neutral parties were best left out of the battle altogether, that you wanted that army on the sidelines, threatened by you.   I did this with mafia, the big ones, the small ones...  they were gracious, did what they were asked, in the worst of circumstances, believing they were somehow serving their country, but more than that making money, which is their number one priority, not genociding most civilians, including most the people they meet, those they passed on the street each day, bought their coffee from each morning, all walking dead to those who knew what was coming.

I refused to go along trying to please those around me, who at first I thought I WAS HELPING by ending conflicts, then finding only fighting was going to help and there would be an infantry sent in, to die first, and show how the enemy would fight...  those who lived through it would be mighty warriors, those who died at least tiring out the enemy.  The revolution went thru this by then in oh sixteen.  Two waves of soldiers, taking the world, then not knowing how to proceed from their, alienated from their leader, who was a hostage, taken by the blacks because they thought he was part of the racist group that they were saying he led, his kin... those he called family.  Racist, elitists, of all colors and lands, the elite they call themselves as they pick out the human gems who will be a part of the humans preserved after the genocide.

  I was chosen for many reasons.  Extreme intelligence, good looks, from royal blood... chosen young and driven half mad young by the injustice in the world, until I learned to ignore them as much as possible, and focus on literature, philosophy, old cults thriving in the beginning of the USA when people were truly set loose to choose their own ways of living and saying, THIS IS SACRED TO ME.    Humans offer a gorgeous bouquet of religions; presented to GOD's loving delight.   He acknowledges the gratitude for the grace of his creations -- always and forever taking place as the same moment of all is and always has been;   his view too miraculously close up to ponder, to imagine at one second seeing a young sparrow stepping out of the nest for the first time, having wanted to fly since the first moment he understood his mother left them, dived out into the air, another every event on a dying and birthing world at once and have them always happening from the first moment of what we call time to the last of event that has arisen goes away...

I can tap into the vertigo of seeing a bit of what he see's as this is what my kind do.  I was chosen from a planet of souls searchers, the first observer of the Father's creation to exhibit free will, by design and surprising none the less in the first moments and later in the development, making it up and it happens.   My kind, I describe at times, live on planet covered in warm water, the closest bit of life to the Face of God.  We live without doubt of his mightiness or love of great intentions or interest or grace or... mostly the warm love of God.  We were surprised to first learn there were others, far from here, who were without belief.  We did not want to believe him though of course we did.  We had all seen these planets in the course of our travels though we could not imagine not feeling God as we did, and were we wont to we might have wondered why, though we were observers.  

I confuse humans when I write that I am the son who said NO.  They associate this all too much with Lucifer, Satan, and others.  I have even written of how I could have been considered Lucifer by my enemies, and Jesus by my friends.   I am the one who holds the keys to hell.  I create your punishment.  Does this make me evil?  No.  Do I go to hell with them?  No.  Why do they go to hell?  Because their life on earth was meant to teach them something, and what it taught them must be that some behavior requires punishment.  A way of advancing them to never wanting to do this again.    In their next life they will learn another lesson, perhaps blessed this time.  Here is why I say if Hitler reincarnates as a young girl in a suburb should she be punished for what her soul, that creature shaped by the human flesh of the times, what brutality and strokes their souls have endured as they became a human;   why is this you might ask?

My guess is that some of you will do as I do, and go around to various planets, helping them the best you can in their lives, learning about them, exploring their lives from beginning to end,   This is where the fallen angels come in.  We become like you, Son of Man, and the Son of the Father is not universal.  I am the ONE.  There is no other like me.  As there is no other like GOD... BECAUSE THERE IS NO NEED TO HAVE TWO.  God works in the miniscule level of sending radiation through space to hit a gene in a human to cause a birth defect that will help them survive certain weather conditions...  I SOMETIMES wonder if there are not aliens out there who send radiation along to help lead us somewhere.  Maybe they are betting on who will win this or that battle, real cold hearted gamblers?   This of course is just fantasy.  Angels are not. Angels become too close to humans.  I am much more knowledgeable about death and the great love of eternity than any of the creatures who follow me.  This planet has seen fallen angels and I think this you know.  You locked me away from them and I could not bring them back... this I hold over those who kept me hostage back then, though there would have been more murders if I was not held hostage.  

Many last a long time, some since the first, and they blessed before me though no more than others, we are better friends, know one another in life after life, and at time love thru life after life, species after species... love is universal.  God is everywhere and nothing he creates can be in his image without this ability to love, which is what he means by that line in the bible.   God is not a human, does not look like a human.  God is everywhere all the time, which is how he can observe even the falling sparrow because HE IS THE FALLING SPARROW.

My friends asked for sermons from me over the radio.  I had spoken of my life, and evidently they had heard enough about that.   I reminded them of their worst memories with my talk of war, mourning, how to deal with what humans have since the beginning, how to survive embattled.   Tonight they have me in a nice radio station, courtesy of Tom Cruise -- the scientologists were Chinese operatives, since Hubbard went to them for protection with a wealth of intelligence his people had stolen, and his wife went to jail for, and he began sailing the ocean sea to avoid getting busted.   Cruise was murdered by the enemy early in the conflict, as well as that other guy who had been running the organization.  Not us.  The government did not want anyone around to lead the scientologists, though I STEPPED IN once before and declared cruise an angel in a time when that meant one hell of a lot to a people enthralled, by the arrival of Christ, or an angel...   who was waking up with religious orders, and a way to save the world, forgive everyone who thought they were going to hell....  I was stoned out of my mind with a love for all humanity at first...  I THOUGHT THAT WOULD BE MY STATE FOREVER... that peace and God had finally come to earth, and if it was a burden on me, I would welcome any cross walk it took to save the world....  

We share a belief in reincarnation, though the money making aspect of the religion had led them astray in ways they were quick to change when they were not being bullied into what to believe.  We mutually respect one another.  A number of them have accepted who I am, and they all think I am at least an alien.  Hard to be around me very long without noticing the string of miraculous happenings around me.. that look like nothing at the time, until they are added up and the number becomes scientific evidence that something... supernatural... was effecting the earth. Through me, though through others as well.

Back in oh sixteen I was beating myself for those who had died when I was kept ignorant of what was happening in the world.  They were keeping me underground as hell.  I got the word out to who mattered, and my enemy, who could monitor anything I did of course, though facebook made it easy for them.  I felt abandoned by my disciples.  I expect to be denied, too, even by those who have seen enough to know better.  Even now that I kill with blood in my eyes, and brought a storm of lightening that destroyed their armies, their leaders, their every house, tank, soldier...  for miles...   a storm that filled me with a euphoria I had to stop with deep regrets.  My urge to end all of this pain was great, showing me how he would lead me when the time came, ten thousand years from now when the planet is breaking down over an imminent meteor strike, or now...  or whatever will happen in ten thousand years... of that is even what it is... sometimes I think a thousand years of peace... yet the soul state is more than humans can dream for.   It came to me in child hood dreams night after night while still in a cradle, being a soul floating above the earth, curious and happy and consisting of nothing, just  a consciousness, then being suddenly pulled down into earth, blue and covered in clouds, and coming out from between a woman's legs, then bright white lights.  Before I knew where babies came from in my physical life, the dreams reassured me, became one of the spiritual experiences I used to use as my mantra to remember I am THE SON OF GOD. 

I DO NOT FEEL LIKE ANYTHING SPECIAL.  I was flattered by the attention, though I had no idea what was going on behind the scenes.  I began to feel trapped without the proper knowledge of what happened.   Somehow I expected my life to get better for what had happened to me.  I had no idea why I was suddenly persona non grata with certain tv shows, showing versions of my life that ended in violence I did not want to believe.  The first people to help me, in what was called the blog wars, supposedly to get Obama elected, also helped me to try to revolt... the CIA came in and cut their hands off...  others they took their money and sent them penniless into Chicago, executives at record companies suddenly working at McDonalds on the south side, and living as a near prisoner with relatives, whoever.  One I spoke to, had his dreads ripped out by hand.  The day he told me I was in a mania.   I had been made homeless, by design, so people in Chicago would meet me...  I stayed home too much.  They later, on a tv show, said THE GENERAL WAS NOT HAPPY WITH THE HOMELESS SKETCH... it was all set up, an army guy invited mary ann to come visit him, bring the dog, get away from the apartment, after throwing me out.  Then they ignored her all weekend.   Just a way to make sure  I was left in the street.  Had she a car, she would have left.

As I was walking down one street, a woman screamed at me, YOU DIRTY WHORE... as she got in a taxi.  I was being filmed and beamed on all the time, people watching Jesus in Chicago, Hit show of the season.  They called me an ape at first when I arrived.  I had no idea why, back then.  It was one side in the shadow war I was entering, where five families ruled, five families got sent at each others throats just as I was preparing my army.  Those of us preparing on my sound watched God part that river of blood in astonishment, our mission going from near suicide to a hard fought win.

I FOR AWHILE led them all, the king, when enough of the military and police and criminal elements were supporting me from behind the scenes.  When that broke up, into the vacuum of blood the sharks dived in to fight for what I had.  I continued on and they dismissed me again, though I knew from the beginning, that God would have me win this war.  I cannot lose.  In a way there is a boredom between myself and the conflict.  There is too much  I CAN DO to make my enemies afraid to fight me, to learn that a treaty is their only survival tool left.  This was long before I knew about the eyes the CIA were developing.  The miracles  I could do, I did not trust.... they were too destructive.  I could bring lightening out of a blue sky, and did one day as an experiment, then flipped out when I realized that it would hit buildings... I did this on the train, the high tracks looking across the city and I saw the factory this would hit and stopped the bolt.   For obvious reasons, I NEVER tried this again.  I also know that when made angry enough I bring flooding storms...  costly, devastating lightening and thunder all day and night.  A storm those who saw my anger create this were reminded this was predicted about me.

They never understood the patience  I have in my life, even when  I am talking of violence, etc...  I am almost always patient.  What I could do and often want to do I DO NOT BECAUSE OF THE HARM THAT WOULD COME... and my storms will only get worse, and lightening will fly on the days I feel combat is warranted.  That takes a lot from me.  Woe the day the fire comes, the lava pulled from the earth, until the very mantel is flowing up to the surface and through my soul form, the human flesh no longer binding me to the rules of physics, until the entire planet is covered in lightening lit bright white and smoldering red and black make for a sight that amazes the souls themselves...  I stand alone there remembering all of this planet, perhaps for the last time, as the lava and fire surround me, leaving me stand in the last circle of grass left on the planet, rising up high above my head...  until I am ready to say goodbye, like the last moments before putting a pet to sleep, even knowing it is going to a better place stops the pain... even knowing earth will become one bit of a countless number of planets in his mind he has been too in both past and present...  planets calling out for a savior from pain... the gravity that draws me, which at times feel like chains, though breaking them would require being Socrates without the hemlock, and I would be giving up on everything I believed in merely to draw a few more breaths in this fleshly soul trap.

I am remembering oh sixteen, because I could barely write of the period at the time...  I had learned who was more powerful than me, and tried to content myself to the knowledge  God had created them as such, and I needed to accept this as part of his plan.   I am not sure how I missed it before.   I am told my order to fight the criminal elements  I have vowed not to give to history, brought on by the way they had dragged my name through the mud, not carrying to ask me what to do with this mythic money I sure as hell never saw.  I was pissed as hell at the world watching me... and God would not allow me to take a throne offered by demons with angelic wings.  Fallen angels tricking me, because to a degree I can be.  They cannot defeat me.  The older angels know this.  We feel disappointment, nothing more.  The angel will be left to follow the impulse of love to the face of God... no longer among the traveling monks, trying to lesson the pain of those who call out for a GOD.

On this planet, wracked with pain and saying anything to keep the bullied from being driven to death, as had David Gilbert, and so many gay teenagers, I made the statement Gays are angels.  I should not have said this.  Some are, some are not.  Some are fallen  On this planet I believe that I have dealt with the sincere, and the diabolical, who used this as a power to act superior to other human beings... others believed a revolution was in order.   I named tom cruise in a stony night when I loved every human on the planet regardless of anything... I was just waking up as the Christ and was almost as bewildered by it as an atheist... the religious had been waiting for this awakening for some time.  They thought I hated the Jews, and some Jews, guys whose films I really like, gave their studio over to cruise.

I did not say anything...  when I saw this flash on the news.   When my behavior caused changes, they seemed so far from my life that I was genuinely puzzled by the news, not connecting this to my making a statement about  Kafka that I had written elsewhere, and should have finished that night.

Innocent Jews were persecuted because of this and the allies I had after stopping a take over by another country, which I was never told about... and brainwashed into.   If they had asked me before HAND it would not have been as effective, so they brainwashed me.   I did not know they did this all the time to celebrities and others at the time.  God I hated them for that.   With the Jews they said  a few things that made me wonder, like saying that Jews were hiding above bowling alleys...  it was little to go on, then something happened, and my pharmacist was tortured over a comment I made about the pharmacy.  I never would have wanted this.   I had no idea how anyone I was working with would do this and ranted and raved.   I work with them again now, and enough of the elite is Jewish, and bringing down their banking system had been a requirement they were more than happy to take part in... they agreed there would be  Jewish civilians in this war, non Zionists who would work with us to bring justice everywhere, including Palestine.

Trying to look back and write at that time of confusion is hard.  I had not yet been told of our full arsenal, though I had my own, given to me by the ghosts, nukes set up around three major cities in the
USA.  They failed to tell me that two of them were set on nuclear power plants.   They had wanted me to come out serious, showing I have the weaponry.

The next day I seem to wake up in my bunk having not slept at all, just thinking thru sleeping or waking... though enough hours had passed that I was sure I was asleep.  This happened to me a lot and my wife assured me I slept at least some of the night because I snored. 

On this day, I extend my reach of the war, showing Europe, and England, and the Middle East, that we can hit them all over the world.  The underground has been through, recruited the right people to live cover lives for decades to get close to the elite, to be ready for our time, when they drop their masks and show their bloody fangs.  The English queen and the prince Ed were torn apart, by hand, by a crowd that attacked her motorcade, after the truth was public about their pedophilia protection, various murders, included princes Diana.  We were there stirring up the crowd, ripping the first flesh off their surprised bodies, listening as they both tried to use commanding voices to tell us who they were and to leave them alone...   Their body guards thru down their guns, saying they had been treated like shit by the royals long enough, too.

We had our people steer the rest of the English Royals out to a castle in countryside, where we assured them they would be safe, even set up an attack on a few of them that we of course easily won, etc....  we were thought to be their saviors, when actually I simply wanted them all in the middle of a target.
Our people left from the area this morning, driving out then to miss the chaos that was coming...  

I forget what town I am in.   Now we are in an old library, getting ready for my evening lecture, sermon, cheerleading and giving the funeral rights all at once.  One voice to unite most of the world, for awhile...   I would never be able to do this without God pushing me along;  like now, I feel nothing like talking, but he is going to shove me into getting on the radio and things will go just fine.  Never feels that way.  I had the same thing doing comedy on the radio in oh seven when all this shit started, and fame was being prepared for a man who would not sign his soul away, and thus was unable to get the work.  Would go in for shows depressed and somehow be funnier than ever.  Very odd.

"Tonight, we have learned that various countries are still supplying ISIS, despite our warning last week that tonight, there would be consequences.  I will bring my fire all over this planet, and nowhere shall you be safe from my wrath.   Tonight, as I speak, Tel Aviv, Mecca, and Trodcaster, England, where the Royals and their generals, and intelligent chiefs have been having a meeting, have been hit by nukes.   We have new technology, the bombs built without the civilians watching, getting more and more lethal... until now, we take out miles and miles and leave the earth filled with death for a thousand years.   I will not allow anyone to stop me from taking this continent.  The sooner the world gets together, and cut your loses, the sooner your losses will stop, and you will wish to your God that you had listened to me now.   To those effected by actions who are innocent, or even on my side, I welcome your souls to the other sides, and pray for the living to find their way to the essentials of life, where they can live in a place of peace, for now and hopefully always, if our enemy will give in to our demands.

"Do not think I will not set off a nuclear winter if it begins to look like you are winning.  None of us want that.  I have no death wish.  If we have that alone in common, take your soldiers from this shore.  We will contact you and retain relationships when we have made sure that our land is free, and up and running.   Until then, consider us a viper.  You know I have soldiers who will be following me when I have the states, and I will...  and they will all be attacking your country with everything they have.  The bases you have allowed all over the world will explode and cut paths of blood through your country, our planes bring down your cities, our ships bomb your industry into dust.  We are not like ISIS, we are not here to kill humans and save the infrastructure.  We do not give a damn about what you want to preserve.   My thoughts are with those of you who lost loved ones today, and yesterday... and tomorrow and the day after and after that...  God does things  I do not understand.  The free will he gives humans leads to these great evils your kind does, though of course also the great goods, makes you inventive, artistic, truly alive...  God does not like slavery, particularly, of the mental sort.  I tried to make this known at the same time I was surrounded by cultic behavior.  

"They told me they were watching films, having discussions, I knew to be about me, but I was not sure what they hade of me when I heard of them.   I was horrified by thought because  I thought I was fighting an enemy thru my tv, not giving sermons to people who knew who  I was...  I took you to be disbelievers, and while like Castiel on Supernatural, I took in everyone into my fold, and some had been banished by God for a good reason... I saved everyone in hell, including beings with powers of which I did not know... AND the acolytes and others who watched me terrified because I knew the things they had said about me, and to worship me, when I always said not to do this...   I do not know how to tell people how to react to me to this day.   I AM the one they waited for, and they are certainly realizing this now, and why I said I would come back with a sword, because that is what they need this time, not a few words and a martyrdom of a revolutionary, who the holy books all changed around until he said Render Before Ceaser.  

I would have told them to fight Rome.   Drive the Icon and God declaring people who had this thing called citizenship which granted the rights, even as they kept slaves they could have put to death for any reason at all.   A world where the birth of western civilization, the bible re written over and over to please the Romans, with the writing of the mythic Paul who claimed that by seeing Jesus on the road he was a better viewer of Jesus than they were, basically throwing out all the other prophets just like that.   I like some of Paul of course, he is a great writer, as were the people who helped him, I suppose.   The Romans wanted a new religion just for them with a heaven and a hell, laws for the people to make themselves live by, complete with rules for how to treat your slaves...

I  remember a lot of lives but Jesus is the one who is important to this time, the gatekeeper to heavenly knowledge at the moment, one who can bring all religions into one church and preach a fiery sermon they all believe and react to and wish to live or are glad they have lived a certain way....  I am the one who begins this religion, with the writing I guess this is what I was doing in oh sixteen, before the shit hit the fan, and like tonight, I was pushed into becoming the worst nightmare of every man woman and child on this planet.  FROM HERO TO ZERO a few times.  Got ridiculous to tell you the truth.   I EXPECT TO BE HATED.  IF I AM NOT HATED I AM NOT DOING THE JOB OF A REVOLUTIONARY,.   My ideas are not radical enough, and my resolve to act too weak...

I wish I was back in oh sixteen, before any of these deaths...  James comes into the tent.  "Get rid of these guys, we need to talk."
"You heard the man, folks."  The radio guy and two generals who had been consulting me on the show shake my hand and head out...  "Have a good night, and thank."
When they are gone, James tosses three bags, blow, crack, and weed, a crack pipe and a bowl.   "I figured you could use a party, man.  After...   I used to think I was a killer.  You...  I know we have to win and you are right, we discussed this enough.  Still, man, shit...  we just took out millions of people...  we haven't come close to a billion, and they want seven, so...."
"I think they will capitulate now.  These bastards who have been helping them thought they were safe as long as they were not harboring anyone we were looking for... or thought they could hide who they were hiding, is ore the truth.  All I can do, man... well, snort some blow and get as far away from my emotions as possible, smoke some crack and weed and hope they make me existential enough that most of my thoughts stay in this room, rather than going to... what is going to be as unthinkable as the last two for awhile.  I will spend my life mourning and seeking redemption, until then I am the hand of God, man, and  I strike harder than humans.   You saw the storm."
"I saw weather control."
"Yes. that is one name for me.   You know, this is true, my dad drilled wells with his dad when he was young, and they used those diviners with sticks....  something magical about water, perhaps...  fuck, James, it gets easy for awhile, too big to process... what I have just done is the only way to win.  The set up, the game plan, our first strike, stop any opposition out of fear of raising the stakes any higher than I already have.  They have game plans to stop this, and are sane enough to want our reign of terror to end.   We can destroy what they fought so hard for, this planet.  Rather than die without them, we will take them with us.  Oh, they will live underground until the last neighbor has eaten the last member of his family, then they will madly, long gone insane, die.

They do not want that future.  We offer the only alternative.  Give them no way to answer no now that they know we will strike Europe and none of them can say this is not their problem anymore.  We avoided Nuclear Power plants and they will be thankful for that, though I will make sure that was a one time mercy.  A guideline for peace talks to come.

I know I have won this round and there will not be another for awhile.  The world will soon enough follow the states, already the other western align countries were making overtures to us, as our revolutionaries there made sure their presence was known with minor bombing campaigns, more giving out our business card than anything else -- and I used that phrase when I sent my communication to them.

I sit in the hotel room seeing the bombs going off over and over on the government broadcat channel.  April Maypole is reporting on the rebel attacks that had crippled three governments in Europe.  They could not avoid reporting about the events after our broadcast, and word getting out from the millions of survivors, the influx of ambulances... the witnesses of the mushroom clouds rising out of cities set afire...  I always said I wanted to die in the first strike, get it over with, go to heaven.  Not live in some dystopian society like I witnessed in movies about a post strike future.  I feel tell myself to grieve the living, the dead in a better place, all that.... does not work on the son of man, who is sorrowful over death no matter what his conscious mind tells him is the truth.

I do not want to destroy the planet.  My feelings are not narcissistic.  I can live no matter how this turns out, and would be better for it, but still...  there is other life, than human to consider, is one argument against destroying the world on humans account.  I do not mind freeing their souls as well, letting their molecules reassemble into something else.  This will happen in their future, or their now, and I can in my mind see them side by side, and the souls are happier.  Sounds insane to people who do not share my belief.  Then there is justice for the humans who planned to genocide the planet with their ISIS army.  I do not want to turn the planet over to such people.  I would rather render it uninhabitable now, since the prognosis is death, regardless.

Still I fight as if....  as if I can stop the elite...  as if the past never happened...  these things I confess that I have to carefully censor to stop them from becoming killing words.  I have written them before unknowingly and knowingly...  with a passion that precluded all notions of planning them out for some future event to take place.    Back in 0h 16 I was not sure  I even still had a world wide audience for my words.  I was writing on facebook, instead of being contacted all the time thru the television, or seeing my life mimicked on shows as if I was going to lead them to some action... as if I knew what they were even doing.  I knew for awhile, they told me, but during that year I knew nothing about it.  Reading tonight what I wrote during that period, reminds me of how far I was from winning then.   Always my problem had been underestimating my power, with the occasional bought of overestimating it. ...  almost always the former.   Before I found out how organized the resistance truly was, even to the deep government, the behind he scenes controllers. 

We have flown to Kentucky, where an ISIS front has pushed thru our lines, down into the south, and were coming back up North to try to come at the mountains from both sides.    They have to know  I am going to show up, so the merc's fighting will be shitting themselves... to make sure we get flyers dumped around their basses telling them in various languages that they would turn around now or die.  The Elite had their best trained killers shooting deserters all night, until the  Merc's understood they were no long quitting and going home...  they were told they would be unable to leave the army for an undetermined amount of time.  Give them hope, and nothing more, was the best they were getting.

They have set up tents and trailers on a river, runs for miles, and they are one both sides of the mighty Mississippi, flowing brown and lazy and now filled with debri, from explosions on back north, where the small battles now involved destroying some towns along the bank.   Dead Bodies were being disposed of by the ISIS and FEMA employees in the waters, sending them out to the ocean, growing bloated and more sickly smelling with each mile.  For awhile people tried pulling them out and burying them, then they stopped, within a day, realizing just a few fast moving test bodies had come through so far, before the industrial trucks dumped the millions that were coming.  You could smell the lake in some places five miles away.  They are in an industrial area with a lot of warehouses.  Everything they need to supply the soldiers, house armaments, etc.   They even kept room for the slave auctions that kept their soldiers, who had few chances to get out and spend money, spending money for another wife or two.  They are prepared for an attack tonight, though, and the women are being kept in their tents.  Every soldier pumped full of speed and ready.  I look across the camp and see every heart beat is elevated, their skin showing perspiration.   I will set the eyes on automatic to take out first threats to our soldiers, then the enemy, though any metal...  they knew there was no hiding by now.  When I let the blood fly

( NOTE for new readers, he has lasers inserted surgically into his eyes...) \

  missile launchers are targeted first, setting off massive explosions as the missiles are set off one after another, even those blown flying through the air back into the enemy barracks... the computer amazes me with what my eyes do.   Individuals near us go next, then the eyes are sweeping back wide, a few hundred yards into the enemy camp....  I glance of the entire camp and the lasers never stop.... cut a path of death through every living human, set off every bomb....

They will not be able to get mercenaries out to the camps anymore, or recruit replacements for those they lose.   Tonight's footage of the battle will terrify the world. Show them once and for all that I am much less dangerous when left alone, than attacked, that I will defeat them if they fight me."

My days of mercy are over.  Or never were, or always are...  I fight to save the many from the psychotic few who are so worldly that they fight to rise to the top of the soul snatching system. 

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