I took out the lasers from this on line novel...

For most of humynkinds history I have led slave revolts, started religions, or steered them, was an acolyte to your holy men.appearing at times as an Angel, a burning bush.... I am not an angel. Angels can fall. I cannot fall. I earned my position by being the first creature in all of the cosmos to say No to God. My kind collects souls from destroyed planets... entrophy says they all go. He would send those from my planet to give creatures a mercy death, though this was not explained to me... we followed orders out of love of God, our Father -- so to speak, He has no sex, I merely follow your traditions.

---- this is a novel in progress, which also is trying to teach how to write a book. I hope to get these two texts from this vlog. I am a well read and published author from way back with lots of education and experience, though I have never tried to do this before... as such, I took out a major plot device.. the lasers.... you will understand as the story unfolds......

I learned to love the creatures of the planet he sent me to that time, and how He laughed at me, How he seemed to love me ever more. His creation had taken on a life of his own and created Free Will. He allowed me then a variation on our ways, told me that he would send me to the very beginnings of the lives on the planet, that I could attempt to give them ten thousand years of peace before their end. I am the greatest mass murderer in the history of time. I will in the end destroy all that lives on this planet. The Father will decide if I have succeeded or not in steering the species to life or death.Our Father is pure love, and entity I have witnessed in a dream/vision, vast and timeless and immobile.

When a soul has their final death, and nothing is left on the planet's surface to draw the entity back into the cycles of living and learning, they gravitate toward God from every planet, dimension, time... I AM a different being, The Chosen One -- cursed I think at times... chosen for a mission that I would never ask of another. Instead of going back to God, where I began my existence, I instead feel the pull of the pain of other life forms, other planets that are like this earth, struggling with the suffering of the cycle of life.

Now I AM the Son of Man, living among you since before life began here... a creature who is lless than the Father who created us -- I use Father as your term, in reality you would no more apply a sex to GOD than you would a boulder. This is the tale of your planet, from the beginning to the now, as well as a prophesy of your possible futures... Your bibles have some truth, and one is that even the son does not know when the Father will bring on what some of you refer to the rapture, and others death by the greenhouse effect, others nuclear war, others the simple passage of time that eventually destroys all that is created... I am here to answer the prayers that began when your mind first was able to understand death... when you first began to spin myths to answer the questions that are not yours to know except in the most childish of manners... WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? I appear in each generation, awakening only after I have learned the ways of a time enough to fullfill my mission. They vary from situation to situation, fire to fire I trudge, bringing my soul into the worst of situations, to rekindle the FREE WILL that humyns have been granted; the only species on the planet that is not completly bound by ther genetic imperatives -- though they are much more than they realize. In one life I am leading a slave revolt; another teaching priests a new slant on religion; another an ancient warrior covered in bear skin barely keeping his tribe alive in desperate times... and now, a warrior in a shadow war fought behind the scenes of the media, between intelligence agencies, undergroud groups, the deeper levels of the Churches, the Masons, the oligarchies, the east and the west... as I try to prepare the souls on earth to choose between ten thousand years of peace, or the haunting visions of endless lightening flowing from my chest, and endless fire from my back, great streams of destruction encircling the planet and consuming the earth... What sounds like a horror will be, should the father decide your ability to solve your problems is hopeless, a mercy killing before the planet plunges into pure chaos, as the damaged atmosphere begins to destroy their crops, flood the coasts, sending cannabilistic refugees across the planet... and bringing a hell on earth God will not allow. My mission is to stop the wealthy from destroying the planet by living lives of luxury while most of the planet is plunged into poverty by their excesses. Already I have been recognized by presidents, popes, the leaders of all countries and churches... and also hidden, as best the intelligence agencies can, after they tried to use me, when I was still waking up... I tried to warn them that while I am forgiving, my Father watches what is done to His son, and exacts horrible revenge...

This book I am drafting will confuse some of you, as I write for those who are involved in the secret world they keep from the masses, though I will try to avoid this... there is cognitive dissonance in all minds, that will attempt to tell you what I write is all fiction, but my oath to you is that I will tell all I can about the ways of man that I learned when the elite attempted to make me create a world wide religion, leading to a one world government, and the carnage that has been left in my wake.... I cannot tell everything, so I use fiction where I must, and other incidents I must leave out entirely, because my writing has resulted in unintended death all across this planet. I am the most dangerous creation God has ever created. I am also the most forgiving.

I OFFER REDEMPTION AND FORGIVENESS for every soul that truly will change their ways.... others I have a special hell for, a place where they pay penance, and learn how much I despise the lifestyle they have just lived. Thank you for reading my words. Know that though I was greatly disturbed when I awoke in these times from my innocence, and this writing should be greatly disturbing to you, that God is love, and in the end, every soul will experience the absolute ecstasy of dwelling in the Golden Light of God's Overwhelming Love forever.

There are compiled entries where you can now read the story up to this point. This is first draft, where I write everything down at first, even though if some of it clashes with other parts... then later decide which way to go. I go back over these compiled chapters again and again, working on them to perfect them, and then working on what is to come, which is the roughest prose. All throughout the book there is more telling so far than showing, because a lot has to be told to bring the reader up to speed, on a war that has been going on for eight years, and has finally come to a head as the elite decide to genocide seven billion and the protagonist begins nuking .... well, let that be a surprise. There are two things going on here, the teaching of how to write a book, and a book... which will become clear if you read the blog. I HAVE MADE A MAJOR CHANGE SINCE DRAFTING THIS BOOK. I AM REMOVING THE USE OF LASERS. PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND IF YOU ARE READING THIS DRAFT FROM THE BEGINNING. I hope the chapters stand alone, in a way, from the over all text and can be read as a short story. The poet in me wants each line to sound as if their is a sonnet birthing... But anyways, the chapters I have now are being pared down, to where about five of them are kept, and the remaining chapters, which grow organically from all the ideas in the draft, are set in stone. You are supposed to let the novel lead you, according to John Gardner, and while I love his books, I think he could have plotted better. I aspire at least to be the student who surpasses the teacher, who added to the science of literature his contribution.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


The God of Many Masks is hidden from those who would kill such a being in their midst by a lifestyle that seems nothing like a God tio the people around him.... well, at least most, there are those who see in him something they do not understand, a kindness or a rage or a passion too rich for a human. Toi most they have no idea until He is awakened by what is known is Christian theology as angels. Angels are nothing like man has described and nothing like they are described; just depending on who you listen to. He holds a low opinion of most of them. They are foot soldiers and his brothers and sisters and He loves some of them and hates some them. They all have their various jobs in God's schemes, such as the ending of life on earth, as they had done in truly countless other dimensions and realms without physicality or time or the barriers to true Love that caged the particular animal, called man.
Now, eight years after his revealing, and the subsequent prophetic madness He went thru as the mystical became real to an atheistic writer of violent comedy, a whorish man in his youth, who had lost any belief in a Jesus long ago, despite mystical dreams and experiences that He discounted with the science that literature and university and the modern world, which gave him narratives that did not include a God. Though there were times even in his His Sleep that He became close to God, they never seemed to last. By the time they came to awaken Him this time, He hated all religions, considered them a source of war and misery with being a human in general.
Now He has been bloodied in war. Now He has read the Jewish Psalms that could have come from His own lips. Now He has been made King of the World by the same creature who once in a desert offered Jesus dominion over the world if He would just turn from His Father and bow before the lust for power and the hatred for justice that is Satan. He was never one to want to mix religion and politics, let alone lust to run the earth, His job was much more important, inspiring humyns to us their free will to rule in ways He was not programmed; that was off mission. He lived on mission from the moment of His birth, though He did not know that most of His life, and when He learned as much He often did not even know He was on mission when God was using Him for His most urgent tasks, which often looked to Waking God like accidents.... though He learned finally, when he stood surrounded by a wall of enemy bodies, reeking of guilt and waste and the basic failure of getting to know one another well enough not to have to kill each other over our disagreements, that often God would make Him do what He never would have if He had a choice in the mission.
He had warned them long ago that GODS DO NOT WAR, THEY SLAUGHTER... He had written as much and saw the truth of His words spread across the planet, as the madness of knowing a GOD existed and the terrible need to know what He wished them to do, how he would fix the thousands of years of human problems. God had provided him with the artistic notion that to be a novelist He needed to take five majors to learn about various disciplines, so He had gone from school to school taking the upper level classes in a variety of subjects, just as He would need, though again, He thought He was doing this merely to write about various topics.
In the now, the first eruptions of violence are over, His followers have come and gone as the smear campaigns and His ignorant mistakes and those who followed Him believing He held beliefs that He did not eroded His support with various groups He would not work with unless He had to anyways. The money involved in introducing a deity to the world had been too much for criminals and others to pass up, so in His dazed state as He was brain washed by their intelligence agencies and used as their puppet, he had been sold as a simple commodity, though He had never accepted any of the money, considering it covered in blood.. though once when the world needed a lesson that his mission was not about money, He had burned huge piles of the wealth He wished He had later had to nurse back the wounded in the underground battles that raged through america, as the people believed that Jesus had returned with a sword, handed it to them, and sent them out killing anyone who He wrote critically about, which He did not know for years, and when He found out was horrified.
To tell this tale I will have to hide the identity of certain groups, and leave out what I would prefer to be key passages, because we are in the middle of this war, and I have heard of atrocities that bringing up will simply cause more atrocities... JUSTICE IS MINE SAYETH THE LORD.... they will get theirs on this earth or where it really counts, and He had learned, after the years of fighting and being able to harm some, while others were given too much Power by His Father for Him to think He was meant to challenge them. He did not lightly throw soldiers into the brink.
When the campaign started he was rock star skinny, with long auburn hair almost to his ass, a goatee and a face that women and men found noble, and how they would envision the look of the king He was also on the earth, the end of a Scottish line that was in the family of Jesus. The bloodline was another reason mankind had known who He was before He did and in their anxiousness to find the savior in the man, finally put him in a hospital and delved into His mind until they found the deity waiting there, patiently learning the ways of the times and how best to bring the most solace and justice and righteousness to the world He had been born into this go around.
Now he sits waiting, writing into the computer His present state and the myriad of paths both His and others that have lead to the juncture in history when humynkind itself knows their ways are going to kill them if they do not change, and no one was working hard enough at the changes needed to have much effect. He had found it one of His Father's many ionic touches and mercies that He was not needed to destroy the lives on the planet to release the souls from reincarnation, they were doing so themselves with pollution eventually, and had the potential with their nuclear bombs to destroy the atmosphere in a day. In the end, He was more destructive than anything on earth, a bomb sent from God Himself who believed Himself fated to one day become an endless fount of lava and lightening that would engulf the planet.
He is in Chicago now, a city that lives under the mild threat of the nuclear bombs His fellows in rebellion have rigged throughout the city, and the nation. The unbelievers may have tried to kill him without the insurance, an event He did not look forward to, could see the sweeping fire and lightening He and His followers would unleash across the planet... this time He was no Jesus ready to die on the cross and wait another two thousand years for His efforts to pay off... This time He had returned with the promised sword, and while others had tried to wield the sacred instrument on His part, the day He took up the sword Himself would be the end of all life. He loved life, even then, after learning the evils on the one species He found hardest and easiest to love, humyns.
His enemies are all over the planet, from the ardent followers of old salt that should never have been attributed to His religion in the first place, or was good for a certain time and would never last with onslaught of God's revelations to the scientists, to those who secretly worshipped other beliefs in Gods dark and bloody, creatures He had brought into man's narrative in times when Kill of Be Killed was the only rule humans seemed capable of followers.
He is no longer the sex symbol who helped launch His rise into the consciousness of the world, a set of attentions He had never meant to bring to Himself, though God had given Him features to aide in the mission. He does not feel like a GOD most of the time; He is the son of man, as He explained the last time He had to throw off his Fleshly cloak, and as such liable to indignities like His walk to the cross, and crucifixion. As well as learning from mistakes, instead of being endowed with the wisdom to walk perfectly through unknown territory, both physically and mentally. Now He has finally been taken into the fold of intelligence, brought into the secret circle that runs the world from behind the scenes. Learned the lies that keep the population in place, as the shadow world runs things from behind the camouflage of the media.... now he lives quietly, between storms, hated by many and perhaps loved by some. His followers always scattered when the Roman's came to take Him to His death, something He counted on so they would survive to reflect on His teachings and endow the future with the words His Father gave Him to impart to the humans.
He once lived drifting from memories of life after life, gathering answers to His dilemmas in war from other times, battles fought from the times humyns wore ragged filthy furs for warmth through the excesses of the Egyptians through the animal orchestrated jungles of Africa and South America ..... though times long forgotten, appearing as deities whose words were now buried deep within the modern religious texts, the pagan religions that gave birth to the modern modes of worship. Now He has better bearings in the present world, after crashing through the walls of lies the demonic built around Him and the rest of Humans, to hide their ways from the light of the Son, the light of Justice... and most of all, the Judgements of their fellow humyns, who as a group He knew were kinder and wiser and fated to much greater glory than any knew to aspire for.

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