Anyways, my Grandfather had all this power in the secret world of secret societies of various sorts because of this, and he was a brilliant man, and a spy. He designed a plan that intelligence had me working on, when I was in my forties, and he died when I was six. I will not go into that. But the gnostic gospels werre written much closer to the time of Jesus than the other books, and they were not rewritten by king after king.. when the Jews Jesus grew up with hated kings, found them an affront to God... ESSENES. The book ZEALOT THE LIFE OF JESUS OF NAZARETH is one I would recommend to you. It goes by the records, that exist of Jesus brother James, what was really happening in Rome at that time, etc... it explains how the Romans did not kill a bunch of children when Jesus was born, that was totally made up... THERE WOULD HAVE bEEN ROMAN RECORDS and they would not have done that to tax payers... they did not want to provoke revolutions among the volitile JEWS. ANYWAYS, they were crucifying ZEALOTS, REVOLUTIONARIES
I was told many things by those in on the plot to use the writer in north Chicago as the Christ... a Christ who they built up a preisthood around based on a self killing cult of Christians, murderous and suicidal, transforming from the flesh to spirit with complete trust in me... or perhaps wonder whether they were doing the right thing or not? My use of the term Pax Romano was taken out of context, to the point when I arrived all powerful in the presss and media, there were many theories about who I WAS IN THIS TIME... I had certainly lived a life trying to better myself, doing service for others, being a moral voice despite how many friends it lost me... a free thinker... but not perfect. I had lived for a vague AA God of my own choosing, a conscious creation in the universe that I laughed with at times over the ironies of life, feeling only God and I were in on certain jokes. IN THE TAXI I TRIED TO BE BATMAN, and a social worker, and a non judgemental friend to the friendless, a good guy among criminals, who took always getting ripped off by blacks who got out and ran all the time, because there was no bus system and they knew there was nothing we could do about it. To even hit one got us busted, not them. The culture built this in. They are very oppressed and isolated and surrounded by a very prejudiced group of people, and I WORKED FOR COMPANIES THERE THAT FLAT OUT did not hire blacks, a nationwide car rental company that thank God went out of business. I refused to let this change my view on blacks. Years before, when was eighteen and broke and drunk and in need of sobering up before I ruined my life, a black half way house took me in, gave me a bed and three meals a day, meetings all the time in the front room, for us and the neighborhood. They saved my life, and I grew to love them as brothers and sisters, knew the neighborhood around there good, what would be called an all black ghetto but they were all nice as hell to us, nicer than any neighborhood I had ever lived in was... the early eighties when there were 24 pages of want adds in DALLAS TEXAS where I was.... after getting wasted and going down there with a woman, who I broke up with after a drunken night of swapping partners, after living drunk for a month, a life that I hated and had to get out of... I did not love the woman like I had loved other women before her, and I was young, so I left the young woman living with her friends. SHE WAS SAFE.. but I never saw her again.
This leads to another bit of my life that I should write as unreal as it sounds. I learned of an underground race war that was attributed at least partially to my giving orders over the webcam, with signals of what I did in my life being my orders... and of course no one could make sense of this, or any sense they wanted, depending on their honesty and motivations... this was so never true, except in the most blatant of ways. I did not know enough to speak to you as equals on the matters you brought to me..... you could have read how much I hated the idea of a race war from my work, yet the CIA claims they were working with me and this happened... I wonder, after one person tried to claim I had taken over the CIA by saviing them when my revolution would have crushed them for what they had done, as I might have had they let me know, or I thought I could do... I wonder now about many things, did this race war start because of me or was it ancient, as I suspect... the blacks have never felt a let up of the war against them, so this war must have been around before me.. right?
REGARDLESS.. they were giving me the news, finally, of what was happening with the revolution, and what had already happened, when they gave me two words in a message RACE WAR. I BLEW MY TOP.... the cameras were all rolling and the spies were listening, and the people who had done this, and I told them I WOULD HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH A RACE WAR... even got a message from Disney who was under the delusion I would work with them, that this was my mess and I HAD TO CLEAN IT UP. I never learned much about what happened, just that the cia and the blacks got into it, and the Chinese, my side, brought in cats to help the blacks. The CIA was against the cats. At this point they took me to be the same as my family was, dogs, in intelligence parlance. I am not like that. They are against the inter mixing of the races and I THINK THAT IS CRAZY and had always written in my writing, of other lives I remembered, and how we ended wars by intermarrying, not just queens and kings, but warriors and others so they would visit family in both camps, and learn, the age old lesson I always have to teach in each and every fucking life, humans are all the same, mostly. We want to laugh, talk, love, eat, be comfortable... not matter what else we do not have in common, these basic, real things we know about one another, and from these basis the most disparate cultures in the world have gotten together.
I aleinate my once friends, if they ever were.... never knowing that the first allies I had were up to things I WOULD NOT ALLOW and at times they thought this was what I wanted and they had to accept.
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